[Ambassadors] Freemedia Venezuela

"Guillermo Gómez S." guillermo.gomez at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 22:21:47 UTC 2006

Hi all

Just to inform that Fedora Venezuela has started a local freemedia
program (limited to venezuela).
We have committed an initial quote of 100 DVDs for December.
We are about to launch an official announcement as soon we get the web
interface for it.

Meanwhile, we have scheduled to use 50 DVS + the Fedora Venezuela banner
for the ExpoTecnologica 2006 (event) in Maracaibo.
Unfortunately i cant attend to the event but there will people committed
from the fedora community to attend the visitors in the booth.


Guillermo Gómez S.
cms fedora-ve http://www.fedora-ve.org
blog http://blog.gomix.org
soporte fedora-ve en irc.freenode.net, canal fedora-ve
lista email fedora-ve at googlegroups.com
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