[Ambassadors] FedoraLivecd wishlist

Rohan Dighe linuxdominatrix at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 18:57:11 UTC 2006


I don't know whether this is the right place to ask this query, but here goes:-

i saw this link a few days back,

now since i have vacations, i was thinking maybe i would start working
on the wishlist problem of " Persistence; e.g. the ability to save
livecd changes (e.g. installed software) to a USB stick instead of
tmpfs ".

The point is i don't know much about the project and also i don't know
whom to reach out for in order to get technical help. Also i checked
out the Mentors page but there is no one assigned to this sort of

Well, i would be very glad if someone could point out the right person
for me. I would get started on this thing asap.

Thank You,
Rohan Dighe
Fedora Ambassador India.

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 -- Albert Einstein

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