[Ambassadors] presenting fedora

Manuel Wolfshant wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro
Mon Apr 2 22:33:54 UTC 2007

Hi all

    I just was invited to speak at some students' seminars. I would like 
to offer a couple of fedora dvds and to go dressed in a fedora T-shirt. So
 1) I would like to receive suggestions on what DVD to use: FC7t3? 
LiveDVD (does there exists such a beast) ?
 2) I will record the discs myself. However I do not feel like hand 
writing on each one and my printer cannot print on disks. I wonder, how 
does one label them ? Printed leaflets attached to the envelope of the 
disc ?
 3) Does there exist a formal model of Fedora T-shirt that can be 
printed, or better yet sewn ? I mean something with a quality good 
enough to take it on a disc at go at a specialized shop.
4) Any presentations I can use for inspiration, beside Chitlesh's ?


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