[Ambassadors] Active/Inactive Ambassadors

Bart Couvreur couf at skynet.be
Thu Apr 5 13:01:16 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Jeffrey Tadlock schreef:
> Francesco Ugolini wrote:
>> We have to shake inactive people with new rules. I know it seems a bad
>> thing, and in a certain view I agree, but it's the only way. Personally
>> I'm hurt to see people that are doing nothing, because they don't
>> respect people who work, and in this project we have a lot of people
>> that every day talk with people and promote Fedora.
> We don't *have* to do anything.  The cons to this proposal outweigh the
> pros and have been brought up by many others on this mailing list.  We
> stand to gain little by taking what will be perceived by many a negative
> action and stand to alienate ambassadors who are out there supporting
> Fedora though they might be neglecting to report every action to the list.
> This is certainly not the *only* way.  People are more likely to
> participate in a positive and supportive group.  Not one that is looking
> to mark people's names from a list because they failed to report
> everything they are doing.  That is *not* the way to gain participation.
> If you want increased communication figure out why people aren't
> reporting.  Make participating at events easier.  Let's focus all of
> this energy towards something positive instead of this internal noise.
> Let's work to get more Fedora users - not build animosity amongst our
> own volunteers.
> You also have to remember this is a volunteer group.  Some people may
> only have time to hand out a few DVDs or talk to people in their area
> about Fedora.  If an ambassador were to only hand out one DVD a year and
> not report it - I would still keep that person as an ambassador without
> a label.

A complete +1

>> If we want to close our eyes, ok, but it's not the better system. We
>> have to give a new chance to Ambassadors Project to improve itself.
> I don't think many have suggested closing their eyes.  Many have
> suggested focusing on *positive* changes or means to encourage
> participation.
>> Personally i prefer 100 people that work than 400 that do nothing.
> And this comes around again - what is FAMSCO's opinion on this.  I have
> yet to see any of the other FAMSCO members weigh in on this.

Yes, and this is also my question. It's also a reason why I haven't
responded to the thread at all (I've been reading all).

On what kind of level has there been any discussion about this in Famsco
and what have you guys decided / discussed.

If you want more communication / reports from ambassadors, Famsco should
do the same, e.g.: not only in meetings but also on mailing-list etc. (I
know this is a different issue, call it an example)


- --
Bart <couf at fedoraproject.org> <couf at skynet.be>
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