[Ambassadors] Active/Inactive Ambassadors+task+some idea

Ama M wy_2_k at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 17 09:40:10 UTC 2007

+1 to Greg

Ama Mgbeoji

----- Original Message ----
From: Greg Dekoenigsberg <gdk at redhat.com>
To: fedora-ambassadors-list at redhat.com
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2007 1:26:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Ambassadors] Active/Inactive Ambassadors+task+some idea

On Sat, 7 Apr 2007, Francesco Ugolini wrote:

> Stay sure, we don't want to "kill" people, we know the different needs
> of each ambassador. We want to shake people that do nothing.


Why do we want to "shake people that do nothing"?  What harm do they do? 
And what's to say that someone who does nothing today won't be someone who 
does something vitally important later?  And what's your threshhold for 
"activity" -- somebody says "I'm active"?

The *only* effect of *any* inactivity policy will be to announce to 
people, "we don't want you, go away."

My $0.02: once somebody says "I am a Fedora ambassador," then they are a 
Fedora ambassador, FOR LIFE.  Until (a) they say "no thanks, I'm not an 
ambassador anymore," or (b) they do something that disgraces Fedora, and 
FAMSCO drums them out.


So let me back up and ask a question.  What's the *real* goal here?

Is the goal to recognize our best ambassadors?

Is the goal to know who can be "counted upon" to get stuff done?

What are we trying to accomplish with the active/inactive proposal?


Greg DeKoenigsberg
Community Development Manager
Red Hat, Inc. :: 1-919-754-4255
"To whomsoever much hath been given...
...from him much shall be asked"

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