[Ambassadors] Re: Doing a Fedora Project Day at foss.in

Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay sankarshan.mukhopadhyay at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 16:48:45 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

jose manimala wrote:

>                 Well I am here for that. I will take charge of the
> event proposal. But we need to draw up something solid to build the
> proposal on. you have been helpful in bringing forth very good topics,
> but they need to be structured and an indepth discussion into the
> topics need to happen.

So, here's what I jotted down sometime today. Guess it can be taken as a
starting point.

We need to fix on the following though:

+ Date of the proposed day
+ Proposer for the Project Day proposal



Pre-requisites to participate:

Interest in getting involved and contributing to the Fedora Project. The
project day is proposed to achieve the getting together of existing
Indian contributors (particularly perhaps the GSoC participants) in
order to allow them to discuss their work. Base level understanding of
Fedora roadmap and familiarity with some of the various Fedora
subprojects eg. Translation and i18n, documentation, LiveCD, packaging
would be good to have.

Audience:  application developers, extension developers, open-source
evangelists & enthusiasts, localizers, security experts

Theme of the day: Increasing the quantum of contributions to the Fedora
Project from India

So, here's what I thought could be useful:

+ Opening remarks by a Fedora Ambassador (I am assuming that the Fedora
Project Lead or others are not in a position to travel to foss.in, I'd
be happy to be told otherwise) setting the theme of the Project Day
+ Short overview of the different Fedora SIGs (and perhaps EPEL)
+ GSoC time (GSoC participants get blitz face time to show-n-tell)
+ Become a contributor to Fedora (lightning talks with show-n-tell)
	- how to contribute
	- packaging
	- bug triaging
	- documentation
	- i18n
	- l10n (if it is so required, an l10n review sprint for Indic languages)
+ Fedora and a11y (can we get this going ?)
+ Spin your own Fedora - how, why, what, when
	- LiveCD
	- FedoraOnUSB

- --

You see things; and you say 'Why?';
But I dream things that never were;
and I say 'Why not?' - George Bernard Shaw

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