[Ambassadors] [Fwd: [lca-announce] Fedora Mini-conf at LCA2008 - Call for Presentations]

Eugene Teo eteo at redhat.com
Fri Aug 24 02:16:08 UTC 2007

Hi guys,

I'm looking for Australian Fedora Ambassadors to help out and speak at the
coming Fedora Mini-conf at linux.conf.au 2008 early next year. If you are
interested, drop me an email.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [lca-announce] Fedora Mini-conf at LCA2008 - Call for Presentations
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 20:01:54 +0800
From: linux.conf.au Announcements <lca-announce at lists.linux.org.au>
Reply-To: lca-announce at lists.linux.org.au
To: lca-announce at lists.linux.org.au

Fedora Mini-conf at linux.conf.au 2008

The proposal for a Fedora Mini-conf has been accepted! The mini-conf will be
held as part of linux.conf.au 2008. The aim of this mini-conf is to allow Fedora
users and developers to come together to teach and learn.

Call for Presentations

There will be five to six 50-min speaking slots, and five 10-min lightning talk
slots. Depending on the speaker's topic and request, some 50-min slots may be
split into 25-min slots.

Presentation topics have to be directly related to Fedora, and be intended for a
technical audience. Proposals for talks should include the type of speaking slot
you want, name, email, abstract, brief biography, and project website.

So, if you are interested to give a talk, write to mel8ourne[0x40]kernel.sg.

* Take note that mini-conf speakers and delegates need to register with the main
conference in order to participate.

Important Dates

* Call for Presentations: Saturday, August 4, 2007
* Due date for submissions: Friday, October 12, 2007
* Acceptance notifications: by end of October, 2007
* Mini-conf begins: Monday, January 28, 2008

Any questions?

For more info, please visit: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LCA/Melbourne2008

If you are coming, do let us know by updating the wiki with your name. If you do
not have an account to the wiki, drop us an email and we will update it for you.

If you have any questions, feel free to write to mel8ourne[0x40]kernel.sg.

We look forward to receive your presentation submissions. Please submit early.

See you there!

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