[Ambassadors] leaving Fedora Ambassador's project

Robert Whetsel rwhetsel at ravensong.com
Sat Feb 17 05:44:19 UTC 2007


I would like to start it was a pleasure to get to kind of know those of you
met and worked with. I am telling you that I am leaving the Fedora Project
my events are completed this month. I will do one last edit of my RobertWhetsel
for history sake.

I feel as I did not get to know many of you as well as I would have liked. 
of my leaving is that a lot of us do not really understand the responsibilities
and duties of a Ambassador, let alone what is the big picture of Linux and the
concepts open source.

An Ambassador is defined as:
“An ambassador is a diplomatic official accredited to a foreign sovereign or
government, or to an international organization, to serve as the official
representative of his or her own country. In everyday usage it applies to the
ranking government representative stationed in a foreign capital. The host
country typically allows the ambassador control of specific territory called an
embassy, whose territory, staff, and even vehicles are generally afforded
diplomatic immunity in the host country.”

The Fedora Project's Ambassadors role is getting the word out by using a
grassroots approach. Additionally, I believe we should be sharing the
possibilities of what if. What if all people has access to eduction; no matter
where they live. What if a small company could use software that helped them
automate a business process that saved them enough money to hire one more
employee. What if through education someone is able to get a job and not worry
about how feed her family or where they are going to sleep. What if one more
person believed that they could make a difference. That is what an Ambassador
does; they open doors for people who don't know and give a new way to look at
computing; one user at a time. Events are nice, but remember without people an
event is an empty room.

The marketing group roles are different from that as an ambassador. And, with
the ambassador group still trying to find their way the merging of the two
groups will ensue into chaos for a time after the transition. And, when we
figure it out there will be a new set of people who will repeat the same
mistakes. Again, people will wounder wjy we continue struggle. Is it because we
keep changing the mission? Not really; We have had a lot of volunteers for
subprojects, however when some people realized how much effort was needed and
one else steeped up to help; they quietly let the due date lapse until we
about it. 

For me I don't understand why we continue to repeat our meeting agendas. It has
at times that I thought that we were playing a previous recorded show. A
should be for action; debate needs to take place before via ml and a voting is
conducted during the meeting. Our lack of process is the failure to read
minutes and the inability to realize we discussed and resolve that issue.
Additionally, when we get new people we get new Ideas; (same ideas more or
we already resolved as policy or dismissed. It's human nature to keep working
our short term memory.

Robert C. Whetsel

RavenSong Open Technologies, Inc.
Frederick Innovative Technology Center, Inc. (FITCI)
401 Rosemont Avenue
Rosenstock Hall, 3rd Floor at Hood College
Frederick, MD 21701

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