[Ambassadors] My First Fedora Seminar

Sudheer Satyanarayana sudheer.s at binaryvibes.co.in
Fri Nov 9 08:23:31 UTC 2007

Mustafa Qasim wrote:
> Hello!
>         I want to organize a Fedora Seminar at my university campus
> for my university fellows as soon as I got comfortable with what I am
> going to say. I am not a Linux Guru or FOSS advocate nor got much
> involved in Fedora Project. I can't figure out what should I say and
> what not, where should I limit my seminar.
Have you taken a look at Fedora Talking Points at 

>  I am using Fedora for a
> couple of months but didn't know why I am not confident enough to play
> this role? Ooh no it's not that I can't stand before people and say
> something but my confidence is what do I know and how much I've grip
> over my topic. If I am confident with what I am gonna present then no
> matter there are 15 folks before me or 5 thousand :)
> I've listened/seen people holding a LOT of experience like System
> Programming Level etc. delivering speech on Linux related issues so,
> can't imagine how a newbie or a man in street can spread the word
> Fedora. Sometimes I think that I need a 10+ years experience in coding
> kernel and building Linux codes to be able to address on anything in
> Linux.
> Did u folks got my point?
Is your audience tech savvy? Whenever I go for a talk, I first visualize 
my audience. I chalk out bullet points. I spend some time researching 
about the information that would be interesting to the audience. In 
almost all the GNU/Linux events I have participated in, I have talked 
about free software, GPL, distros, open source software applications and 
community. Fedora community would be a great topic to discuss in any 
Linux event.
> I've an idea that I should do a survey like asking folks there what
> they think Free software and Linux is, what application are there on
> daily usage list in their Windows PC..bla bla ....
Consider talking about the FUDs thrown on free software and Linux. 
Squash all those FUDs and encourage people to start using free software, 
if they haven't already.
> After that I think that I can draw a sketch of what my seminar would be like?
> could u folks help me to extract maximum benefit from that survey?
> Any other Idea?
> Thanks in Advance :)

With Warm Regards,
Sudheer. S

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