[Ambassadors] FAmNA Meeting Minutes from 2008-11-12

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 15:52:35 UTC 2008

(08:00:35 PM) slasherzee: Hey, is there an ambassadors meeting 2night?
Forgot to check mail...
(08:00:57 PM) inode0: yes, and it is time for the drum roll followed
by the roll call
(08:01:30 PM) ***DemonJester provides drum roll
(08:01:49 PM) herlo has changed the topic to: FAmNA meeting - Agenda:
(08:02:13 PM) ***inode0 thinks that means herlo is present
(08:02:23 PM) herlo: aye
(08:02:48 PM) inode0: is 4 a quorum?
(08:02:59 PM) inode0: let's begin
(08:03:14 PM) inode0: item 1: famsco elections
(08:03:41 PM) inode0: I would like to take a moment to thank all those
ambassadors who have nominated others this year
(08:04:04 PM) DemonJester: is iWolf running for re-election???
(08:04:04 PM) inode0: and to congratulate all those honored with
nominations made on their behalf by their peers
(08:04:33 PM) ***jds2001 here, always forgets :)
(08:04:49 PM) inode0: and to encourage all who haven't decided to
consider running
(08:05:26 PM) ***inode0 hasn't heard a peep out of iWolf in a long time
(08:05:30 PM) ***DemonJester has considered it but feels a little
under qualified and not well known
(08:05:52 PM) slasherzee: How do we vote is this election? IRC, email, etc.
(08:06:07 PM) DemonJester: slasherzee: webpage
(08:06:11 PM) herlo: here's who's running
(08:06:12 PM) herlo:
(08:06:14 PM) inode0: DemonJester: this is one of the reasons I so
favor nominations - a lot of people feel what you just expressed
(08:06:15 PM) herlo: so far
(08:06:38 PM) ***lcafiero acts like he's doing schoolwork in the back
of the classroom
(08:06:48 PM) inode0: but would make great contributions
(08:07:47 PM) herlo: so the argument against goes something like this:
(08:08:35 PM) herlo: If I run for FAmSCo and make it, my time will be
split between NA and FAmSCo.  I feel I'm helping better here in NA
right now.  I might consider running next year...
(08:08:53 PM) herlo: among other arguments...
(08:09:41 PM) ***jds2001 somewhat considering running for the Board
this time around as well, but that's sorta off topic.
(08:09:45 PM) inode0: herlo: I understand that and don't disagree
(08:09:54 PM) DemonJester: herlo: actually my argument would be for
running, to better help NA through FAmSCO but that might just be me.
(08:10:34 PM) herlo: DemonJester: we definitely need people on FAmSCo,
I feel better suited here, however.
(08:10:36 PM) jds2001: but I'm running for re-election in FESCo as
well, if I were to somehow get both, i would spend all my time there
and none actually doing :P
(08:11:10 PM) herlo: jds2001: which one of those should we vote for you :)
(08:11:14 PM) inode0: and I don't want to pressure anyone ... just
thanks and a reminder we have until December 3rd to still dive in
(08:11:16 PM) DemonJester: herlo: completely understood ;)
(08:11:39 PM) jds2001: herlo: both :)
(08:12:05 PM) herlo: jds2001: okay! just don't want you disappearing
next time I need help packaging :)
(08:12:15 PM) jds2001: i also really like the town-hall debates,
getting back to topic of FamSCO
(08:12:51 PM) ***DemonJester thats another drawback for my consideration^^^
(08:13:09 PM) inode0: item 2?
(08:13:10 PM) jds2001: why is that a drawback?
(08:13:17 PM) ***DemonJester if I were to run I am not available
during any of those dates and time slots to participate in them
(08:13:29 PM) herlo: DemonJester: here here
(08:14:06 PM) DemonJester: wont look to good some guy nobody knows
trying to run and cant even show up for the debate...
(08:14:08 PM) inode0: wasn't aware they had been set
(08:14:56 PM) lcafiero: Me neither, and I'm a nominee
(08:15:13 PM) DemonJester: lcafiero: you cant make the debates either??
(08:15:21 PM) lcafiero: When are they?
(08:15:29 PM) inode0: link please?
(08:15:35 PM) lcafiero: link please?
(08:15:37 PM) DemonJester: hold on a sec
(08:16:02 PM) herlo: link please?
(08:16:07 PM) herlo: :-D
(08:16:12 PM) lcafiero: It's not on the nominee page
(08:16:17 PM) herlo: nope
(08:16:17 PM) DemonJester: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections
(08:16:18 PM) inode0: if we know far enough in advance perhaps we can
get an accommodation
(08:16:25 PM) DemonJester: dec 4 through dec 6
(08:16:39 PM) DemonJester: I am out of town and unavailable that entire time :(
(08:17:03 PM) inode0: oh, still that doesn't seem entirely set in stone
(08:17:13 PM) lcafiero: That's a pretty wide range of time.
(08:17:21 PM) lcafiero: Am I supposed to be debating for three days?
(08:17:26 PM) lcafiero: I mean, I could . . .
(08:17:41 PM) inode0: they aren't debates really guys
(08:17:48 PM) lcafiero: Good point, inode0
(08:17:57 PM) lcafiero: I stand corrected.
(08:18:18 PM) herlo: let's move forward...
(08:18:24 PM) lcafiero: +1
(08:18:25 PM) inode0: yes, item 2
(08:18:33 PM) ***DemonJester apologizes for the rant
(08:18:41 PM) herlo: hehe, nw
(08:19:00 PM) inode0: I'd like to briefly encourage a little
discussion about how we should proceed with FUDcon planning for next
(08:19:12 PM) herlo: oh, that's what it's about
(08:19:23 PM) herlo: I thought it was planning for this FUDCon and
what sessions we could have or something
(08:19:54 PM) inode0: We need to actually propose something fairly
soon if we want alternate sites considered by Red Hat
(08:20:21 PM) herlo: What are the proposed sites, let's put them up on
the mailing list and get votes...
(08:20:23 PM) DemonJester: what are our choices? or preferences
(08:20:32 PM) ***jds2001 suggests NYC....they're opening a new hotel
right down the street from my place :)
(08:20:52 PM) inode0: This weekend I discussed co-locating FUDcon in
South Carolina with SELF in June - they are very enthusiastic about
helping us if we do
(08:21:10 PM) jds2001: herlo suggest UT, DemonJester suggests Buffalo,
and inode0 suggests Ames :)
(08:21:19 PM) herlo: heh
(08:21:39 PM) DemonJester: lol you would have a small window in
buffalo unless you like snow!
(08:21:44 PM) lcafiero: That would mean that I suggest Santa Cruz,
California, but I withdraw
(08:21:49 PM) ***herlo would only like to have a FUDCon *away* from
the East Coast!
(08:21:55 PM) inode0: Seriously we have heard suggestions of
Indianapolis, Chicago, Clemson, Salt Lake City, Austin, and Dallas
(08:22:03 PM) herlo: inode0: that sounds right
(08:22:07 PM) jds2001: problem is most folks are on the east coast
(08:22:11 PM) jds2001: RHT folks, that is.
(08:22:16 PM) DemonJester: Santa Cruz would be nice...
(08:22:25 PM) herlo: jds2001: right, that's a problem, but stickster
said we can suggest
(08:22:29 PM) herlo: and give valid justification
(08:22:38 PM) jds2001: and likely non-RHT folks as well, actually
(08:22:42 PM) inode0: which is one of several reasons I'm currently
attracted to Clemson ... it is close enough maybe
(08:23:02 PM) DemonJester: what about Columbus, OH?
(08:23:17 PM) ***herlo thinks Indy is better, but doesn't know how
many contributors are nearby
(08:23:19 PM) stickster: herlo: *and* possibly supplement that with
some concrete ways to fund attendance of key people
(08:23:25 PM) inode0: You know someone in Columbus volunteering?
(08:23:39 PM) DemonJester: no just asking ;)
(08:23:43 PM) ***stickster notes that
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon/FUDConF11/Budget shows some
costs we absorb for some core folks just to come to Boston
(08:23:53 PM) ***stickster &
(08:24:07 PM) herlo: stickster: thus my point about justification :)
but I digress
(08:24:09 PM) inode0: At Clemson we likely can get University space
and some travel help in the way of shuttles to the airport.
(08:24:24 PM) ***ianweller hides for putting the budget overbudget...
(08:26:10 PM) inode0: ok, so my real question wasn't to discuss
locations tonight - it was to discuss how to proceed with this
(08:26:49 PM) herlo: inode0: I wasn't asking for locations either, but
that's a core part of the issue
(08:26:58 PM) lcafiero: ?
(08:27:06 PM) herlo: instead, I was saying we should put those up on a
email and ask for votes
(08:27:15 PM) inode0: ok
(08:27:21 PM) lcafiero: question?
(08:27:42 PM) inode0: but do we have people on the ground or are some
of these still pie in the sky and a waste of time?
(08:27:56 PM) herlo: lcafiero: just ask, we're not so formal here
(08:28:02 PM) inode0: I know Clemson and Salt Lake City have human
assets we can tap
(08:28:13 PM) inode0: I don't really know about the others
(08:28:28 PM) lcafiero: Ah. This is a summer FUDCon event, separate
from the Boston event in Jan.?
(08:28:53 PM) herlo: In Dallas, I know of one person who could hook us
up with the college possibly
(08:28:58 PM) herlo: lcafiero: yes
(08:29:09 PM) inode0: which college?
(08:29:14 PM) herlo: Indy has vwbusguy
(08:29:20 PM) herlo: North Texas
(08:29:26 PM) herlo: iirc
stickster StillBob
(08:30:15 PM) herlo: Chicago in June would be nice and we could even
go out on Lake Michigan
(08:30:16 PM) inode0: stickster: sorry for asking this again, it would
be good for us to have proposals by December?!
(08:30:52 PM) stickster: Yes, because there will need to be some sort
of idea there how much money is needed to hold this kind of event.
(08:31:06 PM) inode0: perfect, thanks
(08:31:09 PM) stickster: And that needs to be figured into FY10
operating budgets if we want Red Hat to foot the bill
(08:31:23 PM) inode0: wait
(08:31:37 PM) inode0: I thought this was in Max's budget now
(08:31:51 PM) stickster: If he doesn't cover all the engineers who
need to come, I have to ;-)
(08:32:19 PM) inode0: ok, December is good for me - we can have one
month to see what we can get done
(08:32:33 PM) stickster: Now, if the event you're contemplating
involves no Red Hat engineers, that makes for an entirely different
(08:33:04 PM) inode0: no, we are thinking about the F12 FUDcon - Red
Hat engineers who work on Fedora are a plus :)
(08:34:52 PM) herlo: we have 3 weeks and a launch, I say email is the
best solution
(08:34:54 PM) inode0: My suggestion at this point is for people who
care about this to latch onto one location and get to work, while we
may have potential resources in various cities they need to step up
right now to show they are serious
(08:35:15 PM) slasherzee: Has anyone considered approaching a
University student group?
(08:35:33 PM) slasherzee: ach funded student group gets budget for
several events each year, and
(08:35:33 PM) slasherzee: all the other University perks, such as:
free building use, adverts, etc.
(08:35:37 PM) lcafiero: Shamless self-interest: I'd vote to have it
somewhere off the US East Coast to make it easier for westerners to
make it.
(08:35:39 PM) inode0: slasherzee: certainly we are considering
Universities as sites
(08:36:16 PM) DemonJester: lcafiero: I think others share your
desire.. Except us East Coasters ;)
(08:36:47 PM) inode0: when I mentioned Clemson I meant the university
was likely going to help us with resources there
(08:36:50 PM) jds2001: exactly :)
(08:37:04 PM) lcafiero: understood inode0
(08:37:10 PM) slasherzee: I am trying to tap into University of
Oregon, lots of interest. But I'm sure you wouldn't want to come here.
(08:37:20 PM) lcafiero: Oregon State?
(08:37:29 PM) ***herlo complains at the number of FUDCon events held
on the East coast
(08:37:33 PM) inode0: slasherzee: we'd love to come there
(08:37:42 PM) slasherzee: University of Oregon, in Eugene
(08:37:47 PM) lcafiero: I was just there speaking for Fedora.
(08:37:49 PM) inode0: slasherzee: but someone needs to get a lot of
people from the East there too
(08:38:27 PM) inode0: time to wrap this topic if we can for tonight
(08:38:39 PM) lcafiero: +1
(08:38:42 PM) inode0: herlo: you want to run a quick opinion poll?
(08:38:54 PM) herlo: inode0: not really, thought this was your baby
(08:39:00 PM) inode0: alright
(08:39:23 PM) ***herlo apologizes :(
(08:39:35 PM) inode0: if it is my baby I'm going to work with the SELF
board and try to get that arranged as a possible location
(08:40:01 PM) inode0: and I will encourage others to work with folks
in other locations as well
(08:40:35 PM) herlo: k, moving on ??
(08:40:44 PM) inode0: but now I think we need to get a bit more focus
on particulars
(08:41:21 PM) inode0: alright, there is nothing from the task list
scheduled to be reported on tonight
(08:41:36 PM) herlo: I moved two of them to complete as well
(08:41:40 PM) inode0: but we would be happy to hear reports on any
task list items if anyone has anything to report
(08:42:34 PM) inode0: if not we have about 15 minutes I think for open
floor - or to revisit previous discussion I cut off earlier
(08:42:36 PM) DemonJester: I contacted Rislam about the Montreal event
and he said he needed time before answering.
(08:43:02 PM) jds2001: is that the one that Matt pointed us to?
(08:43:07 PM) DemonJester: yep
(08:43:10 PM) ***inode0 apologizes for dropping that ball
(08:43:26 PM) DemonJester: I got you covered my friend ;)
(08:43:36 PM) inode0: thank you
(08:45:24 PM) inode0: is there thinking or shall we wrap it up?
(08:45:29 PM) herlo: inode0: I think *this* is the shortest meeting evar!!
(08:45:40 PM) ***jds2001 is thinking about lots of things.
(08:45:52 PM) jds2001: none of them applicable to this meeting, though :)
(08:46:16 PM) slasherzee: Someone said, since we were over-budget,
they? were going to use the
(08:46:32 PM) inode0: we are over budget?
(08:46:34 PM) slasherzee: surplus creating F10 discs
(08:46:36 PM) inode0: who is we?
(08:46:46 PM) inode0: under budget that is
(08:46:48 PM) DemonJester: slasherzee: you mena under budget
(08:46:55 PM) DemonJester: s/mena/mean
(08:47:04 PM) herlo: slasherzee: we won't be over budget
(08:47:12 PM) inode0: F10 LiveCDs have been ordered I think
(08:47:13 PM) herlo: er under
(08:47:20 PM) slasherzee: Yes, sorry, can't type that fast and spell too
(08:47:34 PM) herlo: inode0: they have, but they won't get created and
delivered until early Dec
(08:47:35 PM) ***DemonJester notes he cant either :)
(08:47:39 PM) inode0: right
(08:47:46 PM) jds2001: how can disc's be ordered with no iso's? :)
(08:47:56 PM) herlo: jds2001: pre-order
(08:48:01 PM) DemonJester: jds2001: you are going to get them for us :)
(08:48:09 PM) inode0: you pay in advance, like buying a suit to be
custom made :)
(08:48:13 PM) slasherzee: Are they going to be available to Ambassadors?
(08:48:18 PM) herlo: DemonJester: sorry, I ruined it for you :)
(08:48:28 PM) herlo: slasherzee: yes!! :)
(08:48:29 PM) DemonJester: herlo: nw ;)
(08:48:44 PM) herlo: slasherzee: in fact, I am the one getting them
and since you are in my region, muaaahaaahaahaaa!
(08:49:07 PM) slasherzee: Great!
(08:49:12 PM) jds2001: herlo: you better send some out this way! :)
(08:49:21 PM) lcafiero: And this way.
(08:49:24 PM) herlo: jds2001: you live in Portland, OR right?
(08:49:28 PM) inode0: herlo: how should party organizers request these
for December parties? just contact you?
(08:49:44 PM) herlo: inode0: I won't have them in time for December 6 parties
(08:49:54 PM) jds2001: herlo: yeah, last time i order drinks with you!
(08:49:58 PM) herlo: and if I do, it will be close, so I guess we
could discuss this...
(08:50:02 PM) inode0: parties in December
(08:50:02 PM) herlo: jds2001: hehe
(08:50:05 PM) DemonJester: herlo: yes I may need to get some rushed
after you get them for a few events in my region as well
(08:50:27 PM) herlo: I plan to ship some off to each of the 3 other
regions immediately when I get them
(08:50:45 PM) DemonJester: herlo: sounds good
(08:50:45 PM) lcafiero: We'll burn our own for F10 for the Felton LUG
on 12/6. Cabrillo College will be holding a F10 party in mid-December
(08:50:51 PM) herlo: if I need to, and can get reimbursed, I can ship
some direct to other events too
(08:50:55 PM) inode0: ok, we can figure that out then in due course
(08:51:06 PM) DemonJester: sounds like jds2001 needs to buy me drinks then ;)
(08:51:12 PM) herlo: inode0: yeah, probably the meeting right after
release would be best
(08:51:22 PM) jds2001: DemonJester: get down here and I will!
(08:51:26 PM) DemonJester: lol
(08:51:29 PM) jds2001: DemonJester: no snow here yet! :)
(08:51:40 PM) herlo: we told the media company that they would have
approx 3 weeks.  That's from ~20 Nov
(08:51:50 PM) DemonJester: jds2001: 3 inches today here
(08:52:14 PM) jds2001: that's for 12,000 right?
(08:52:32 PM) inode0: ok, talk of the weather is a sign that we are
done here, wrapping in30 seconds
(08:52:34 PM) jds2001: or did numbers change?
(08:52:55 PM) herlo: jds2001: no
(08:52:57 PM) inode0: 15 seconds
(08:53:03 PM) inode0: bad at math
(08:53:18 PM) herlo: jds2001: we only pre-ordered 3k, the rest will be
ordered this coming quarter, around 1 Dec
(08:53:36 PM) inode0: close enough, thanks again for coming everyone
and please continue discussion in #fedora-ambassadors
(08:53:39 PM) jds2001: oh, maes sense.
(08:53:42 PM) inode0: 5
(08:53:43 PM) inode0: 4
(08:53:44 PM) inode0: 3
(08:53:46 PM) inode0: 2
(08:53:47 PM) inode0: 1
(08:53:49 PM) inode0: 0
(08:53:50 PM) inode0: -1
(08:53:52 PM) inode0: -2
(08:53:56 PM) DemonJester: lol
(08:53:56 PM) inode0: EOF

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