[Ambassadors] Re: Ambassadors Polo Shirts EMEA - Poloshirts for France

JoergSimon jsimon at fedoraproject.org
Mon Oct 6 15:10:53 UTC 2008

Am Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2008 16:26:15 schrieb Carlos Vassalo (opossum1er):
> Le jeudi 02 octobre 2008 à 10:08 +0200, Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) a
> écrit :
> > I won't be at FAD EMEA, I have no idea if I'll be at FOSDEM, but I'd love
> > to have an Ambassador poloshirt. Should I add my details on this page ?
> Me too, and we have more french ambassadors in this situation.
> > There might be more ordered pieces if people not going to those events
> > could order some :)
> Maybe we can group orders for all french ambassadors that are
> interested. It would be great if all french ambassadors could wear their
> polo during the F10 install party on december in Paris.

Please point this to the Event Owner of  F10 install party on december in 
We had produced recently PoloShirts for a french event

maybe we can set up another Stock for this event!

Regards Joerg

Joerg (kital) Simon
jsimon at fedoraproject.org
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