[Ambassadors] Fedora Release Events status

Francesco Ugolini fugolini at fedoraproject.org
Mon Oct 20 16:57:21 UTC 2008

To all the ambassadors interested in F10 Release Events,

in the last weeks I didn't talk so much here about those inititiave,
so I want to know if there are problems or if you have questions about
the organization.

On my front I was working trying to mapping  al the event and release
a KML file that you could use with your proffered web map to promote
the event (actually a need-to-be-updated version is stored in my
fedora space at /fugolini.fedorapeople.org/replace.kml):eel free to
suggest me changes about those data etc. (edit or add your event and
then send me the changes).

Secondly, I want to know from another marketing point of view what do
you think if we will cover weekly (after the release) the release
events, maybe posting the reports link in FWN.

This is the most important fedora organized and worldwide spread event
(we are going from America to Asia), so I think we have to make
something special. I know this is the second time we hold such event
and surely we will have other opportunities to improve this one, but
I'm sure we can try to figure out what we can do now and try to fix
all the problems we may face from the root.

Thank you for your precious work

Best regards

Francesco Ugolini

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