[Ambassadors] event kit update

David Nalley david at gnsa.us
Mon Oct 27 18:09:29 UTC 2008

> Hmmm... US is only *one* country, so, to me, that's basically *one* local
> team.

Of course, at the same time, few countries have the kind of distances
involved in the US - for instance going to Linuxworld in California
would be almost a 3000 mile trip for me. In terms of size, the US is
more analogous to the entire European continent. (US is 9.8 million
square kilometers, while Europe is 10.18 million square kilometers).
Also I referred to NA - not just the US - and while for our purposes
that's effectively the US and Canada that's still larger than any
'local' team could hope to cover without significant travel funding.

> About the XO, is it _really_ necessary to include it in the event kit ?
> For example, lot's of people were volontary for the Fedora on XO test
> campaign, so they already have one to bring to events. I'll personnally
> buy one when the G1G1 opens again on Amazon.

For our purposes - it's absolutely necessary - for two reasons:
1. It attracts tons of people
2. One of our missions (and by our I mean NA Ambassadors) is to
recruit new contributors - and the OLPC SIG is in dire need of them -
carrying that machine around has garnered a number of contributors
(many of whom now have their own machine) Furthermore - 1cc provided
them to us for that purpose - so we can't let them sit idel.

> Same thing for the HP mininote, why include a computer in an event kit ?
> Are you really planning on sending this all around the world like Karten
> said ? o_O

Not all around the world, but certainly all around the continent.
The HP mininote - well because it makes a nice display for Fedora that
at the same time is small and light. Plus it can be setup for USB
creation station - which is in our plan as soon as they arrive.
Moreover they are being donated to NA Ambassadors - and as much as I'd
like to hang on to one personally, I can't see that as a wise use for
HP's donation.

> Can't we simply have a list of the materials somewhere, and then a budget
> is allowed to each local team meeting some arbitrary criteria (more than
> XX members for example) especially to compose their kit (print the
> banners, etc...)

That's actually exactly what we were trying to avoid - good high
quality banners tend to be expensive. They also take some time to get
ordered. Often times in the US the conferences and events that we are
attending have the 'Fedora Event Owner' serving on staff. Like the
event reports that came out of OLF, it makes life VERY easy when the
box roles in and you can start hanging banners and signs and pull
equipment out. And with a relative certainty know that, excluding
consumables, the box has everything you need to run a booth.
Especially if the booth is being run by someone who has never done it

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