[Ambassadors] Fedora Discs

Satyajit Ranjeev satyajit at nerdshack.com
Tue Oct 28 05:23:33 UTC 2008

> This is how it is in the free software / open source world, it is a
> constantly moving target.  Pick the latest one and go for it.

Why dont we atleast provide a link in the download pages to direct them
to the fedora unity project page? In that way new users will have the
latest image.

> What is so ridiculous having a new user download a respin instead of
> official image, if a new release is less than a month away (for
> example)?
It is ridiculous for a new user to download the old iso images and then
update their system again. 

> Or, why not burn it for them?
I am actually doing it for them (I should consider joining the free media group though)
But this is for the ones who download it straight from the internet.
What about them?

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