[Ambassadors] F10 Release Parties - 2nd part

Francesco Ugolini fugolini at fedoraproject.org
Thu Oct 30 14:49:54 UTC 2008

2008/10/30 Jon Stanley <jonstanley at gmail.com>:

> I'm sorry, this email missed me when it came through the first time.
> I have added a page with more details about my plans, hopefully it's
> not too late.

I'm sure there is a confirmed budget for NA Release Events (according
to fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/SteeringCommittee/Budget).

Thank you for the details page.

> I need to confirm costs with the venue.  They have a private room that
> I'd probably get for this, which has all the required technology
> already in place.

Just take a look at the page I linked above or ask directly NA
contacts (David, Jeffrey etc.).

Thank you very much for your updates.

I hope you'll enjoy your Release party


Francesco Ugolini

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