[Ambassadors] Mentors, Sponsors, etc...

Neville A. Cross nacross at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 17:13:45 UTC 2009

2009/4/1 sunil datta <sunil_prog at yahoo.com>:
<part of message was snipped>
> My problem, I tried to be a member to provide free media in my region, but
> still see myself unapproved status. I dont know who will explain this.
> regards,
> Sunil Datta

This is why I feel mentors are really needed. Freemedia is a program
initially created by ambassadors, but it is not longer needed to be
ambassador in order to contribute in Freemedia. Of course you have to
get an account in Fedora Account System in order to log in in the trac
system for freemedia. But it not needed to sing up as ambassador. It
will be nice if you do.

It took me some time to figure out this on my own. I will like to help
mentoring people to short time from singup to be productive for the
community. Mainly because I would like to save that experience to
newcomers. I am not just to complain about things, but about trying to
help to overcome those issues.

In the other hand, the real problem, is when you have a Ambassador
listed to help one area, and he or she does not reply to email
requesting local info. I don't care if he or she is busy doing other
stuff, or just don't want to help at this moment. It is voluntary work
and everyone have right to get a break now and then. But I think if
somebody writes directly to you because you have a profile as
ambassador, at least you should answer to say that you can't help at
this time. When you don't get any answer is what I call inactive or
dead ambassador. And that's is the other side of the ambassador member
list that needs to be take care of.

Best regards

Linux User # 473217

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