[Ambassadors] FAmSCo (North America) Regional Meeting Reminder - 02/04/2009 20.00

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 17:27:02 UTC 2009

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Francesco Ugolini
<fugolini at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> The first FAmSCo Regional Meeting will be on Thursday 26th at 18.00
> UTC in #fedora-meeting.
> This time, as scheduled, we are going to discuss about North America (NA).
> Meeting agenda (suggestions are welcomed):
> 1. How budget is spent?/ Are money enough?
> 2. Future events review: can FAmSCo give something to help you?
> 3. Are current global policies fitting your real necessities?
> 4. t.b.d.
> Those are only suggestions, if you think something is missing please
> let us know.

One of my hopes for the first of these meetings is that we will get
some new ambassadors to attend and get a little orientation from
FAmSCo about what the purpose of FAmSCo is and why it matters to all
ambassadors. Another of my hopes is that by just having some
conversation between FAmSCo and a bigger cross-section of the
ambassador pool we will all get to know each other better which helps
in so many ways.

FAmSCo is one of the things I find that new ambassadors see as a
mystery. There is general unease among new members about not
understanding the overall organizational structure of Fedora, but I'd
like to get that cleared up at least within the ambassador community.

So my overall hope for a meeting like this is a bit more abstract than
what it would be for a normal meeting. Meet, talk, develop good will
and understanding, leave happy knowing who is available to help us
when we need help. That sort of thing.

I will prime the meeting with one question that I intended to ask, but
perhaps by asking it now you might just answer it when telling us a
bit about the role of FAmSCo during the meeting.

Hypothetically let's assume some issue bubbles up to FAmSCo's
attention and FAmSCo decides it needs to be resolved. Perhaps
something like "ambassadors need a mentoring program" might be an
example. How does FAmSCo decide whether this is something that should
be tasked and implemented by FAmSCo or something where FAmSCo might
lay out a statement of the goal it believes we should have but leaves
the implementation to be handled by local ambassadors in the various

I'm curious about this because actually implementing and participating
in the execution of policy is something I see a bit of within FAmSCo
that doesn't seem to be a "normal" role for a steering committee.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.


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