[Ambassadors] FAmNA Meeting Minutes from 2009-04-02

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 22:19:27 UTC 2009

(07:59:59 PM) inode0: FAmNA Meeting Roll Call
(08:00:04 PM) StabbyMc: here
(08:00:34 PM) ***lcafiero misses xorg.conf, but he's here.
(08:00:37 PM) lcameron: here
(08:01:12 PM) crossbytes: here
(08:01:14 PM) herlo: .fas herlo
(08:01:15 PM) zodbot: herlo: herlo 'Clint Savage' <herlo1 at gmail.com>
(08:01:45 PM) StabbyMc: .fas smcbrien
(08:01:46 PM) zodbot: StabbyMc: smcbrien '' <scott at mcbrien.net>
(08:02:12 PM) pcalarco: PascalCalarco
(08:02:40 PM) ***ianweller
(08:02:52 PM) lcameron: .fas lcameorn
(08:02:54 PM) zodbot: lcameron: 'lcameorn' Not Found!
(08:03:01 PM) lcameron: <-- typetard
(08:03:08 PM) lcameron: .fas lcameron
(08:03:10 PM) zodbot: lcameron: lcameron '' <leighc at gmail.com>
(08:03:20 PM) pcalarco: .fas pcalarco
(08:03:22 PM) zodbot: pcalarco: pcalarco 'Pascal Vincent Calarco'
<pcalarco at nd.edu>
(08:03:24 PM) ***inode0 notes that a little humor in our 10 minute
roll call is good
(08:03:28 PM) cprofitt_: here -- NY State - Wester NY
(08:03:37 PM) ianweller: .wikiname ianweller
(08:03:38 PM) herlo: lcameron: you need to update your FAS account
with your name, or take of privacy if you want your name to show :)
(08:03:43 PM) ianweller: .wikilink ianweller
(08:03:44 PM) zodbot: ianweller: [[User:ianweller|Ian Weller]]
(08:03:47 PM) ianweller: ^^^ that.
(08:03:48 PM) leitz: .fas leitz
(08:03:48 PM) cprofitt_: charles profitt - cprofitt at fedora.org
(08:03:49 PM) zodbot: leitz: leam 'Leam Hall' <leam at reuel.net>
(08:04:05 PM) cprofitt_: was that what I have to post? or is there
more to the roll call?
(08:04:08 PM) herlo: quite a crowd I say :)
(08:04:12 PM) inode0: and .wikilink is much appreciated by your secretary
(08:04:17 PM) ianweller: cprofitt_: you just say you're here ;)
(08:04:19 PM) lcafiero: a raucous caucus
(08:04:33 PM) herlo: boo!
(08:04:37 PM) inode0: Agenda here:
(08:05:19 PM) inode0: Announcements - share them if you got them
(08:06:06 PM) ***inode0 knows someone has them
(08:06:10 PM) herlo: inode0: ?? can I go?
(08:06:15 PM) ***lcafiero is thinking
(08:06:17 PM) inode0: yes
(08:06:19 PM) ***herlo alwasy jumps the gun
(08:06:23 PM) herlo: okay!
(08:06:28 PM) lcafiero: I can wrap in in the LFNW stuff. Never mind.
(08:06:37 PM) herlo: well, for anyone in this room, we have an
upcoming Fedora Classroom this Saturday and Sunday
(08:06:43 PM) herlo: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom
(08:06:50 PM) cprofitt_: ianweller, thanks
(08:07:14 PM) herlo: I will note that it's at about 3am in NA so
that's a bit early/late depending on when you go to bed :)
(08:07:17 PM) herlo: but
(08:07:41 PM) herlo: we need to encourage our EMEA and APAC
counterparts to participate / present.  We're always in need of more
(08:08:04 PM) herlo: if you know anyone in EMEA or APAC who you think
would be good, bug them.  Get them to present
(08:08:20 PM) herlo: i should also mention that if you wanna get up /
stay up that late, please do and present :)
(08:08:24 PM) herlo: eof
(08:08:27 PM) inode0: and bug yourself for another month when it is
more NA timezone friendly
(08:08:39 PM) herlo: inode0: ahh yes
(08:08:42 PM) StabbyMc: May looks NA friendly.
(08:09:06 PM) ***inode0 pauses 10 seconds for further announcements
(08:09:14 PM) herlo: StabbyMc: don't think so
(08:09:22 PM) herlo: StabbyMc: 2am, but I think I might change that right now
(08:09:40 PM) ***jds2001 here, sorry
(08:09:55 PM) StabbyMc: bah, stupid UTC.
(08:09:59 PM) inode0: jds2001: I wanted to poke you in the event section
(08:10:10 PM) inode0: ok, ready to continue?
(08:10:16 PM) herlo: +1
(08:10:18 PM) inode0: NA Event Sponsorship Planning
(08:10:19 PM) lcafiero: +1
(08:10:26 PM) lcafiero: +1 to StabbyMc
(08:10:28 PM) inode0: I just wanted to say something about this
(08:10:30 PM) crossbytes: +1
(08:10:58 PM) inode0: we've discussed sponsoring conferences where we
are big beneficiaries of the conference a bit lately
(08:11:35 PM) inode0: as a way of helping the community that is
helping us, being good citizens in the conference world
(08:11:53 PM) inode0: and not looking like deadbeats just using
conferences for our own purposes
(08:12:05 PM) ***herlo just realized he has one more announcement when
inode0 is finished
(08:12:37 PM) inode0: so we plan to start looking at sponsorship at
the early stages of event planning
(08:12:59 PM) inode0: and handling the sponsorship costs outside of
the normal event budget if possible
(08:13:06 PM) ***leitz notes ke4qqq and Fedora supported BarCamp
Charlotte early in.
(08:13:26 PM) inode0: yes, this isn't new - Fedora has sponsored many
events in the past
(08:13:53 PM) inode0: what is new is that we are going to make it a
point of emphasis in the FAmNA budget process
(08:14:17 PM) inode0: of course not everything by any means can be
sponsored by Fedora
(08:14:53 PM) inode0: we need to use our funding for lots of different
things, this is now one we'll be considering early in the process as a
routine matter of course though
(08:15:27 PM) inode0: and we have committed this quarter to sponsor
(08:15:29 PM) VileGent: .fasinfo jbwillia
(08:15:30 PM) zodbot: VileGent: User: jbwillia, Name: Ben Williams,
email: jbwillia at math.vt.edu, Creation: 2006-04-17, IRC Nick:
Southern_Gentleman, Timezone: UTC, Locale: en, Extension: 5100572, GPG
key ID: 295A4FBC
(08:15:31 PM) zodbot: VileGent: Approved Groups: cla_done ambassadors
cla_fedora gitcourses irc-support-operators
(08:15:33 PM) zodbot: VileGent: Unapproved Groups: None
(08:15:41 PM) inode0: although SELF doesn't happen until next quarter
(08:15:48 PM) cprofitt_: I am planning on trying to attend and present
at Educational Technology Shows - is that the kind of thing you are
talking about inode0 ?
(08:15:52 PM) lcafiero: ?
(08:16:25 PM) inode0: cprofitt_: any conference event at which Fedora
is participating I think we want to consider sponsorship
(08:16:31 PM) cprofitt_: k
(08:16:49 PM) herlo: inode0: cprofitt_ makes a good point, we need to
differentiate between what we can sponsor and what we will sponsor.
Or has that already been discussed?
(08:16:59 PM) inode0: if it is just one person giving a talk we
probably won't, but if we have a booth, a FAD, several speakers, we
should be trying
(08:17:24 PM) herlo: agreed, just wanted it to be in print
(08:17:30 PM) cprofitt_: what is a FAD?
(08:17:34 PM) herlo: or leds
(08:17:38 PM) StabbyMc: Fedora Activity Day
(08:17:41 PM) cprofitt_: k
(08:17:57 PM) herlo: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Activity_Day_-_FAD
(08:18:04 PM) inode0: so when Fedora has a *major* presence we
probably should try to help sponsor the event at least
(08:18:12 PM) cprofitt_: I usually try to see what the deals are for
booths for NFP groups, but will sponsorship be possible if the booth
has a cost?
(08:18:51 PM) leitz: Newb question--is there a page that says what we
can do at events and what stuff we can get from Fedora-MKTG so we
present a unified image?
(08:18:52 PM) inode0: we will need to look at each case and it will of
course depend on our budget for the particular quarter
(08:19:18 PM) herlo: leitz: yes, there is hang on
(08:19:26 PM) cprofitt_: inode0, noted... I will not trouble this
meeting more... perhaps I can give you the details after the meeting
(08:19:47 PM) inode0: no trouble at all, please feel completely free
to participate in the meeting
(08:20:16 PM) cprofitt_: I just don't want to go too far off track
with specifics...
(08:20:25 PM) inode0: are there other comments anyone wants to make
about sponsorship?
(08:20:25 PM) ***stickster will be lurking, but is working on release
notes tonight with Docs crew
(08:20:31 PM) herlo: leitz: this applies for anything, not just
Conferences and Events:
(08:20:32 PM) herlo:
(08:20:39 PM) leitz: herlo--thanks!
(08:20:55 PM) jds2001: stickster: bah, who needs release notes?
(08:20:59 PM) jds2001: I KID, I KID :)
(08:21:02 PM) herlo: heh
(08:21:06 PM) lcafiero: heh
(08:21:32 PM) VileGent: jds2001,  yeah nobody reads them anyways :)
(08:21:37 PM) inode0: ok, this leads us into the events part of the program
(08:21:42 PM) cprofitt_: http://www.nyscate.org/conferences.cfm -- the
one I am talking about are the annual one in Rochester, NY
(08:21:45 PM) inode0: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents
(08:22:04 PM) inode0: Let's begin by giving the floor to lcafiero to
discuss LFNW
(08:22:23 PM) ***lcafiero takes a bow.
(08:22:31 PM) lcafiero: I'll make this quick
(08:22:45 PM) herlo: but I'll make it longer :)
(08:23:02 PM) lcafiero: LFNW is 25-26 of April, and we haven't really
solidified what we're going to do at the FAD, and I'm open to
(08:23:09 PM) inode0: We need to get to NYLUG before jds2001 grows a beard
(08:23:15 PM) lcafiero: I have been approached to do a couple of things.
(08:23:24 PM) ***jds2001 already has a beard :D
(08:23:31 PM) ***lcafiero thinks -- I thought jds2001 had a beard
(08:23:40 PM) cprofitt_: NYLUG?
(08:23:53 PM) inode0: sorry, I've derailed LFNW - back on topic
(08:23:57 PM) lcafiero: But anyway, I had proposed to continue what we
did at FAD SCaLE, which was packaging fonts and documentation
(08:24:03 PM) lcafiero: But I'm flexible.
(08:24:18 PM) jds2001: who's going to LFNW?
(08:24:26 PM) lcafiero: I've told the LFNW folks that I will give my
Fedora 101 talk at the beginning of the FAD, which is all day
(08:24:28 PM) jds2001: SCaLE broke the bank for me, or I'd be there :D
(08:24:33 PM) ***lcafiero raises hand
(08:24:46 PM) inode0: lcafiero: we can't really say what to do since
the people attending should be doing what they want to do
(08:24:51 PM) lcafiero: I think it's quaid, herlo, me, adam williamson
is coming down from vancouver
(08:24:55 PM) lcafiero: Um . . .
(08:25:03 PM) lcafiero: jesse keating
(08:25:10 PM) lcafiero: I think he said he was going.
(08:25:15 PM) jds2001: i though jesse couldnt make it.
(08:25:21 PM) lcafiero: There's a list of folks on the wiki page
(08:25:24 PM) lcafiero: which is . . . .
(08:25:27 PM) jds2001: f13: you around by chance?
(08:25:42 PM) crossbytes: I am going if my back allows me to go..
(08:26:25 PM) lcafiero:
(08:26:39 PM) lcafiero: jeff sandys, brennan ashton.
(08:26:45 PM) lcafiero: Matt McKenzie can't make it.
(08:27:11 PM) lcafiero: Jesse wanted to do a brief presentation at the
FAD, which is okay with me.
(08:27:17 PM) ***inode0 thinks you need to organize the FAD with those people
(08:27:22 PM) jds2001: yeppers
(08:27:52 PM) herlo: lcafiero: what time does the con end on Sunday
night?  I'm looking at late flights that night or early the next
morning (which there are none really)
(08:28:07 PM) lcafiero: I'll take that as you folks don't have a
preference of what we do at this FAD.
(08:28:28 PM) lcafiero: herlo: I have to check. I don't know for sure,
but I'd assume it's 5ish like SCaLE.
(08:28:29 PM) inode0: it just doesn't matter what we think :)
(08:28:33 PM) herlo: hmm
(08:28:56 PM) lcafiero: Also, I've arranged to get the first table by
the door in the hall so we'll get people coming and going.
(08:29:09 PM) lcafiero: And we're also sponsors, as inode0 mentioned earlier.
(08:29:09 PM) inode0: that is always excellent
(08:29:11 PM) herlo: lcafiero: it's about the folks up there and what
they wanna do.  Those of us that are coming should probably put in for
something.  i was kind of thinking a OLPC hackfest to create a 4th
grade math item would be cool
(08:29:22 PM) lcafiero: We could do that.
(08:29:27 PM) inode0: has that shown up on the website?
(08:29:36 PM) ***inode0 would not mind the publicity
(08:29:40 PM) lcafiero: On our wiki or on LFNW's site?
(08:29:47 PM) herlo: inode0: what shown up?
(08:29:50 PM) ***lcafiero doesn't know what "that" is.
(08:29:55 PM) jds2001: our sponsorship
(08:29:59 PM) jds2001: on LFNW's site
(08:30:02 PM) ***jds2001 reads minds
(08:30:06 PM) lcafiero: http://www.lfnw.org
(08:30:08 PM) inode0: yes!
(08:30:09 PM) herlo: apparently
(08:30:13 PM) lcafiero: Haven't been there today.
(08:30:30 PM) jds2001: we are there
(08:30:35 PM) inode0: can we get moved right above amazon? :)
(08:30:41 PM) herlo: lol
(08:30:52 PM) lcafiero: Anyway, that was the only thing pressing --
the topic(s) of FAD, and if it's up to our own devices, we'll have
something really exciting.
(08:31:04 PM) lcafiero: heh @ herlo
(08:31:26 PM) lcafiero: That and the deadline for the special price on
the hotel is tomorrow, so get your reservations in.
(08:31:31 PM) lcafiero: For those of you who are going.
(08:31:57 PM) lcafiero: We can discuss this more on the list, but I'm
liking the OLPC idea.
(08:32:17 PM) inode0: be sure to touch base with spevack about the FAD
plans when they are formed
(08:32:22 PM) lcafiero: Right.
(08:32:33 PM) lcafiero: That's already being done.
(08:32:43 PM) inode0: good, thanks
(08:33:02 PM) lcafiero: I think that's really all there is to report.
If quaid is lurking and wants to add something . . . .
(08:33:19 PM) ***lcafiero takes that as a "no"
(08:33:22 PM) crossbytes: I will do a crash course on Python for the OLPC ..then
(08:33:30 PM) inode0: ok, NYLUG time
(08:33:35 PM) crossbytes: any suggestions?
(08:33:38 PM) lcafiero: Right, Kevin Higgins
(08:33:45 PM) inode0: is that still happening jds2001? with the sudden change
(08:33:47 PM) lcafiero: He's also on the list to be at LFNW
(08:33:55 PM) quaid: oh, hey, is this the meeting?
(08:34:00 PM) quaid: sorry, I just got back home
(08:34:05 PM) jds2001: inode0: i believe so.  I believe this will be
our last meeting at IBM.
(08:34:07 PM) lcafiero: If the doc gives the okay. crossbytes?
(08:34:30 PM) inode0: jds2001: ok, so are we all set with funds?
(08:34:40 PM) ***jds2001 has heard nothing of funds.
(08:34:48 PM) jds2001: except informally
(08:35:09 PM) ***lcafiero will be back in 2 minutes. has to go across
the room to slap a reporter.
(08:35:17 PM) inode0: someone set aside funds for the event
(08:35:40 PM) ***jds2001 plans on giving away a few USB keys, pizza.
(08:35:49 PM) inode0: let me know if anything needs to be arranged
beyond saying we'll reimburse X
(08:36:25 PM) inode0: need any other swag since it is the farewell event
(08:36:59 PM) jds2001: that would be awesome.  I have plenty of media
and stickers
(08:37:15 PM) jds2001: I'd *like* some tshirts, but that's not mandatory.
(08:37:30 PM) inode0: get some - you know how to use trac? :-)
(08:37:39 PM) herlo: lol
(08:37:50 PM) ***jds2001 thinks he can figure it out somehow :D
(08:37:59 PM) jds2001: for those that don't know i set up the request system :)
(08:38:02 PM) herlo: is that it for LFNW and its FAD?
(08:38:10 PM) herlo: or are we into Events?
(08:38:11 PM) crossbytes: I do not have an ambassador kit as of yet
but was waiting for F11 to come out...it will be right bfore my B-day
(08:38:19 PM) inode0: ok sounds like we are good then for NYLUG
(08:38:35 PM) inode0: jds2001 can ping me if he needs any other help
getting stuff arranged
(08:38:37 PM) herlo: crossbytes: it will take aobut 2 weeks after
release to get you an F11 ambkit
(08:39:01 PM) herlo: crossbytes: you should take some of our F10
disks, we have a lot left.
(08:39:12 PM) ***herlo learned a good lesson about purchasing this time... :)
(08:39:12 PM) ***lcafiero is back, and no he didn't REALLY slap a
reporter, but did instruct him on the past tenses of some important
(08:39:16 PM) inode0: herlo: I merged LFNW into events since it is an
event anyway
(08:39:26 PM) herlo: indeed
(08:39:30 PM) lcafiero: question: When is NYLUG?
(08:39:35 PM) inode0: 15th
(08:39:36 PM) jds2001: April 15
(08:39:38 PM) lcafiero: Thanks.
(08:39:39 PM) crossbytes: thats ok the F10's will work also..
(08:39:42 PM) herlo: inode0: I'd like to make an announcement RE: Events.
(08:39:52 PM) inode0: herlo has the floor
(08:40:10 PM) herlo: UTOSC is now ready to announce it's dates, that
is all.  We;ll have an announcement out on Saturday with Venue, dates
and we already have our theme post up today
(08:40:13 PM) jds2001: cprofitt_: if you wanna come down to NYC for
nylug feel free.
(08:40:26 PM) herlo:
(08:40:28 PM) herlo: eof
(08:40:45 PM) herlo: oh, it'll be in Early October
(08:40:47 PM) inode0: Fedora might have some presence at this event
(08:41:03 PM) ***jds2001 thought you wanted August :/
(08:41:13 PM) herlo: jds2001: nope, that was lcafiero
(08:41:14 PM) lcafiero: Early october -- so much for the summer trip :-(
(08:41:20 PM) herlo: lcafiero: sorry man
(08:41:26 PM) inode0: October is better :)
(08:41:28 PM) lcafiero: No biggie -- we'll still be there.
(08:41:29 PM) herlo: lots of factors to consider
(08:41:41 PM) herlo: Fedora WILL have a presence there :)
(08:41:42 PM) lcafiero: That doesn't conflict with OLF?
(08:41:47 PM) cprofitt_: that is a bit far for me... jds2001 but
perhaps we can have a NY State event in the middle of the state...
(08:41:54 PM) inode0: OLF is in September this year
(08:42:07 PM) herlo: it's about 3 weeks apart iirc
(08:42:24 PM) herlo: but we're not looking to snipe their attendees per se...
(08:42:46 PM) inode0: Ok, are there any other events to talk about tonight?
(08:43:05 PM) inode0: we sent stuff to PyCon but I've not heard a
report yet about the event
(08:43:10 PM) herlo: I wanted to mention that LFNW will rock :)
(08:43:34 PM) ***lcafiero wants everyone to know that it's not my
fault this meeting went past 10 minutes
(08:43:44 PM) inode0: LUCI is supposed to be this month ... is a date
for that set yet?
(08:43:44 PM) lcafiero: Actually, herlo is right about LFNW.
(08:43:52 PM) lcafiero: Actually, I need to change that.
(08:44:03 PM) lcafiero: LUCI is now probably in the fall when classes
start again.
(08:44:12 PM) inode0: ok,
(08:44:23 PM) inode0: I'll stop worrying about LUCI for now
(08:44:25 PM) lcafiero: jsmidt had some things come up and he and joe
smith (an ubuntero down there)
(08:44:36 PM) lcafiero: said they'd pick it up at the beginning of the
school year.
(08:44:59 PM) inode0: events going once
(08:45:07 PM) inode0: events going twice
(08:45:16 PM) inode0: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Budget
(08:45:26 PM) inode0: spevack wants us to do something aboutthe budget
(08:45:45 PM) herlo: what?
(08:45:47 PM) StabbyMc: do somthing in what sense?
(08:45:51 PM) inode0: unfortunately I don't think he is awake to tell
us what that is exactly
(08:46:07 PM) inode0: he wants us to actually get to spending it I believe
(08:46:43 PM) inode0: The big ticket item is in herlo's court I think
(08:46:53 PM) inode0: How is infrastructure research going?
(08:47:03 PM) herlo: inode0: yeah, so I am finally able to launch scribus
(08:47:33 PM) herlo: so now I can do cmyk coloring
(08:47:42 PM) inode0: great
(08:47:45 PM) herlo: and I'll have two banners printed
(08:47:50 PM) inode0: are banners picked out?
(08:47:53 PM) herlo: in addition, I decided they needed to change
(08:47:58 PM) herlo: inode0: yes, sorta
(08:48:33 PM) herlo:
(08:49:00 PM) lcafiero: nice
(08:49:01 PM) inode0: that is really nice, still thinking about a
scrolling display?
(08:49:34 PM) herlo: yes
(08:49:37 PM) herlo: here's the thing
(08:49:56 PM) herlo: everyone else seems to be useing the more
colorful banners that mo created. Was kind of thinking of adding that
to the background
(08:49:59 PM) herlo: should be pretty easy
(08:50:29 PM) ***inode0 votes for herlo to take however much time is
required to get it right in his eyes
(08:50:36 PM) jds2001: though dont we need something for LFNW if we
don't have the retractable ones?
(08:50:37 PM) VileGent: +1
(08:50:51 PM) herlo: inode0: thing is, I'd like to get it to LFNW
(08:50:58 PM) leitz: Do you have an image with the more colorful backgrounds?
(08:51:04 PM) herlo: leitz: yes, hold on
(08:51:22 PM) herlo:
(08:51:28 PM) herlo: somethign along those lines
(08:51:37 PM) inode0: those are sweet
(08:52:00 PM) herlo: those are okay.  I think they're kind of noisy
(08:52:09 PM) inode0: they are noisy too
(08:52:10 PM) jds2001: me too, actually
(08:52:16 PM) leitz: My preference, and it's just that, is the first
set. More distinctive.
(08:52:33 PM) ***inode0 agrees and disagrees with everything
(08:52:41 PM) herlo: lol
(08:53:01 PM) crossbytes: the less colorful one seems to complemnt the
OLPC style more than the other so kind of depends on if OLPC is going
to ther IMO
(08:53:03 PM) inode0: which is why he doesn't decide what gets used
but waits for herlo to decide
(08:53:06 PM) ***leitz ignores inode0 about everything...
(08:53:07 PM) herlo: so I'm going to play with the color schemes that
mizmo did and see if I can come up with something a bit less noisy
(08:53:22 PM) herlo: but I shoul dhave them ordered early next week
(08:53:45 PM) inode0: great, spevack will be happy
(08:54:12 PM) inode0: while we are talking about budget dthomasdigital
has started looking again at case badges
(08:54:17 PM) inode0: welcome dthomasdigital
(08:54:22 PM) dthomasdigital: hi
(08:54:24 PM) inode0: anything to report yet?
(08:54:41 PM) herlo: inode0: I gave dthomasdigital some of the ones I
created so he could start looking
(08:55:25 PM) dthomasdigital: I've sent the manufactures examples of
the logo should have quotes very soon.
(08:55:43 PM) inode0: would anyone else like to investigate where we
can buy some fedora branded tattoos before I forget?
(08:55:57 PM) lcameron: ?
(08:56:02 PM) inode0: good dthomasdigital, I know you just started and
didn't mean to put you on the spot tonight
(08:56:14 PM) lcameron: on the case badges, are you going with the 3d
ones? or nice flat ones?
(08:56:19 PM) dthomasdigital: very happy to do it.
(08:56:22 PM) inode0: you just walked through the door while we were
on this topic
(08:56:42 PM) dthomasdigital: I'm looking for the aluminum
(08:56:53 PM) inode0: lcameron: open question, but I think most of
like flat better than domed
(08:57:02 PM) inode0: most of us
(08:57:12 PM) lcameron: I agree, 3d fall apart easy
(08:58:03 PM) inode0: quaid: how is mysql looking? it is on the budget with $0
(08:58:34 PM) lcafiero: I can answer that if quaid's not around.
(08:58:47 PM) inode0: go ahead lcafiero
(08:59:39 PM) lcafiero: I don't believe we're having anything at the
mysql conference. RH does, though. Some of the locals here go and work
at the dbEntrance booth (dbEntrance is developed in Boulder Creek,
Calif., not far from here)
(08:59:53 PM) lcafiero: So that's why the budget may be $0.
(09:00:01 PM) ***quaid is probably not going to go, as it happens
(09:00:08 PM) quaid: too much this month, nebuluous value
(09:00:21 PM) ***inode0 doesn't understand it being on the budget if it is $0 :)
(09:00:34 PM) quaid: just in case
(09:00:46 PM) lcafiero: ^^^ what quaid said.
(09:00:51 PM) inode0: right ok
(09:01:03 PM) inode0: sounds like we don't worry about it now
(09:01:20 PM) lcafiero: it's the 22nd through the 25th, or something
like that. I can only go on the Tuesday, assuming we're not hitting
the road that day for LFNW.
(09:01:31 PM) inode0: tattoos anyone?
(09:01:39 PM) ***lcafiero raises hand
(09:01:47 PM) ***cprofitt is still here just swapped computers
(09:01:47 PM) inode0: I'll start twisting arms until they hurt pretty soon ...
(09:01:53 PM) inode0: just a warning
(09:02:01 PM) davdunc: I can look into the tattoos as well.
(09:02:06 PM) VileGent: inode0,  explain what you want
(09:02:21 PM) herlo: I thought ke4qqq already figured those out but we
just needed to order them
(09:02:24 PM) inode0: VileGent: temp fedora logo tattoos for conferences
(09:02:41 PM) VileGent: vegtable ink
(09:02:42 PM) inode0: well let's do it, they are cheap
(09:02:43 PM) herlo: we've had these on the budget for some time
(09:02:46 PM) lcafiero: awwww, they're temporary . . . ?
(09:03:00 PM) inode0: I assumed the original place didn't work out
(09:03:24 PM) herlo: dunno
(09:03:27 PM) inode0: lcafiero: is you hand still raised?
(09:03:37 PM) inode0: can we keep both of them in plain sight?
(09:04:03 PM) lcafiero: No, I was just saying I wanted tattoos
(09:04:09 PM) ***inode0 wants to order tattoos so if anyone is willing
to look into it please just do
(09:04:17 PM) davdunc: I am.
(09:04:18 PM) inode0: ke4qqq is very busy anyway
(09:04:22 PM) herlo: davdunc: awesome!
(09:04:28 PM) inode0: yes, thank you davdunc
(09:05:01 PM) VileGent:
(09:05:03 PM) inode0: that is all my budget items, anyone else have any?
(09:05:18 PM) herlo: whew!
(09:05:23 PM) ***herlo has to go soon...
(09:05:23 PM) dthomasdigital: tattoos would be great for NM linuxfest
(09:05:33 PM) davdunc: thanks VileGent
(09:05:36 PM) herlo: dthomasdigital: UTOSC thinks so doo
(09:05:37 PM) herlo: too
(09:05:47 PM) ***inode0 would like about 5000 :)
(09:05:53 PM) lcameron: try http://customtattoos.net/custom2.html
(09:05:56 PM) StabbyMc: inode0: do we have vast amounts of money we
need to figure out how to spend?
(09:06:08 PM) inode0: StabbyMc: not vast amounts
(09:06:22 PM) StabbyMc: But it's like the g'ment, use or lose?
(09:06:33 PM) inode0: we have a few swag items that have been on the
budget for more than a quarter but haven't been ordered
(09:06:48 PM) davdunc: :-) 5000.  o.k.
(09:06:53 PM) inode0: so I'm pushing to get those done this quarter
(09:07:15 PM) inode0: davdunc: we had at some point a quote for 5000
tattoos for around $250
(09:08:31 PM) StabbyMc: EMEA has the polo thing for when they do
shows, do we have something similar?
(09:08:34 PM) inode0: StabbyMc: not exactly, we want to spend it wisely
(09:08:35 PM) davdunc: alright.  I'll have something ready end of the
weekend.  You know I am pretty new at this.  Was there artwork already
decided for this?
(09:08:37 PM) jds2001: riel: you wanna be an ambassador now :)
(09:08:40 PM) jds2001: StabbyMc: we do
(09:08:45 PM) VileGent: question no one going to OLF this year?
(09:08:53 PM) inode0: and pcalarco is in the house tonight!
(09:09:04 PM) herlo: VileGent: OLF is far off
(09:09:15 PM) pcalarco: aye
(09:09:19 PM) VileGent: herlo but not on the list
(09:09:21 PM) herlo: pcalarco: !!!
(09:09:31 PM) herlo: VileGent: that just means nobody has claimed it yet
(09:09:45 PM) herlo: feel free to add it and take control :)
(09:09:48 PM) inode0: StabbyMc: pcalarco (pascal) is our polo savior
(09:09:48 PM) jds2001: VileGent: if you'd like to run it, fee free :)
(09:10:03 PM) ***herlo heads off to another meeting, ugh!
(09:10:09 PM) inode0: night herlo, thanks
(09:10:13 PM) jds2001: pcalarco: when are they coming btw?
(09:10:24 PM) ***jds2001 still not received his two additional.
(09:10:29 PM) VileGent: jds2001,  run it no attend yes
(09:10:34 PM) pcalarco: we did a polo order awhile back, have to send
a few more out yet, to jds2000 and stickster
(09:10:44 PM) jds2001: oh, ok :)
(09:10:57 PM) inode0: jds2001 maybe is in the next batch then :)
(09:11:01 PM) pcalarco: we could start collecting names for another order
(09:11:11 PM) stickster: pcalarco: Do I owe you $$?
(09:11:24 PM) inode0: we have a lot of new guys and I think there is
interest again
(09:11:30 PM) pcalarco: stickster: yes, I will email you
(09:11:48 PM) pcalarco: great
(09:12:04 PM) ***lcafiero likes his polo so much he might buy another.
(09:12:06 PM) StabbyMc: inode0: this is something that might be cool
for the Ambassador mentorship program, run an event, earn your polo,
(09:12:30 PM) inode0: StabbyMc:
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA <- has polo sign-up
(09:13:06 PM) jds2001: lcafiero: i'll have 3 :)
(09:13:17 PM) jds2001: my original and 2 more.
(09:13:35 PM) ***jds2001 found the limitations of only having one at SCaLE :)
(09:14:13 PM) inode0: polos would certainly be an incentive
(09:14:54 PM) jds2001: indeed, and aside from outrageous shipping
they're not horribly expensive.
(09:15:08 PM) inode0: Seeing nothing particularly pressing on the task
list I'd like to move to ... drum roll ....
(09:15:13 PM) pcalarco: not too expensive if done in bulk; $23 plus shipping
(09:15:15 PM) inode0: Open Floor
(09:15:22 PM) StabbyMc: speaking of which:
(09:15:37 PM) inode0: thanks for pointing that out
(09:15:39 PM) lcafiero: Lindependence will be holding an event in New
Mexico this year.
(09:16:05 PM) ***inode0 notes to move that to the announcements :)
(09:16:07 PM) StabbyMc: I put together that page rather quickly, and
would like to see some edits and ideas other than my own ;-)
(09:16:31 PM) lcafiero: In Portales. I'll post more on the list.
(09:16:47 PM) inode0: I suspect people are waiting to hear what FAmSCo
decides to do about mentoring if anything
(09:17:04 PM) ***StabbyMc suspects it's not high on their radar.
(09:17:15 PM) inode0: oh it is very high on their radar
(09:17:39 PM) ***StabbyMc missed todays meeting
(09:17:42 PM) dthomasdigital: lcafiero Portales New Mexico?
(09:17:48 PM) StabbyMc: Was it discussed?
(09:17:52 PM) inode0: I suspect they will vote on parts of it at least next week
(09:18:14 PM) inode0: it was discussed heavily last week and on the mailing list
(09:18:56 PM) inode0: and I'll also add my announcement that I forgot
(09:19:27 PM) inode0: The Board is having their public meeting/Q&A next Tuesday
(09:19:59 PM) inode0: Should be fun as always so if you can come and
talk with the board members about anything that concerns you
(09:20:22 PM) inode0: new format this month as a bonus
(09:20:37 PM) inode0: (an experiment)
(09:20:48 PM) leitz: Do you think they will vote on more than "yes
mentoring is good and the regions should do it"?
(09:21:21 PM) ***jds2001 fails to understand why mentoring is a famsco concern.
(09:21:26 PM) inode0: yes, but rather than conjecture here I think it
is best to wait and see what they actually do
(09:21:33 PM) jds2001: unless they want to mandate it for other regions.
(09:22:04 PM) leitz: If there's no dissent about the value of
mentoring, why wait?
(09:22:46 PM) ***jds2001 of the JFDI mindset.
(09:22:57 PM) inode0: because if we set up something this week and
they change the membership process that borks our stuff next week ...
(09:23:03 PM) MadBus: this the FAmNA meeting?
(09:23:10 PM) jds2001: MadBus: it is
(09:23:12 PM) lcafiero: dthomasdigital, yes.
(09:23:20 PM) MadBus: cool
(09:23:36 PM) jds2001: you are uite late, and we've run over as usual :)
(09:23:37 PM) inode0: I just figure it is best to see what they do
before we do anything since it won't be a long wait
(09:23:43 PM) dthomasdigital: lcafiero in Albuquerque here.
(09:23:57 PM) lcafiero: Yeah, you may have spoken to Bob about it.
(09:24:19 PM) inode0: MadBus: and don't popping in for the final 2
minutes will get you on the roll call :)
(09:24:26 PM) MadBus: inode0, lol
(09:24:26 PM) inode0: don't think
(09:24:29 PM) MadBus: inode0, I just got home
(09:24:35 PM) MadBus: inode0, I've had a crazy night
(09:24:48 PM) jds2001 has changed the topic to: Fedora Ambassadors Meeting
(09:24:52 PM) jds2001: MadBus: happy now :)
(09:24:56 PM) MadBus: yes :-)
(09:25:17 PM) inode0: Is there other business or are we ready to wrap
up for tonight?
(09:25:30 PM) lcafiero: yep, that was 10 minutes :-)
(09:25:40 PM) MadBus: not to bring up things already discussed but
what is the going to happen with the new membership process
(09:25:44 PM) MadBus: still in review?
(09:25:55 PM) ***inode0 notes we successfully followed EMEA and hit 30
minutes almost on the button
(09:25:56 PM) jds2001: MadBus: we're waiting on famsco for that.
(09:26:13 PM) jds2001: 30 minutes?
(09:26:16 PM) jds2001: 1.5 hours :)
(09:26:31 PM) MadBus: jds2001, is it all in their hands now or is an
ongoing pan-ambassadors discussion?
(09:26:37 PM) ***inode0 didn't start the clock for the first hour so
he wouldn't run long :)
(09:26:42 PM) lcafiero: that dang daylight savings time again
(09:26:50 PM) MadBus: lol
(09:27:36 PM) inode0: ok, thank you everyone for coming and helping -
especially all the new ambassadors
(09:27:39 PM) ***MadBus has a thought - what about ambassadors
presenting to OEM vendors?
(09:27:43 PM) ***jds2001 has been busy with infra  and FESCo-like
duties, so I have to admit to not following it closely
(09:27:48 PM) inode0: that is fine MadBus
(09:27:53 PM) ***lcafiero backs away slowly
(09:28:12 PM) inode0: hands away from the typewriter where we can see 'em mister
(09:28:19 PM) MadBus: lol
(09:28:43 PM) lcafiero: heh
(09:28:43 PM) MadBus: inode0, as in, could we intentionally plan to
send a few people to say IBM or HP, etc.
(09:28:54 PM) inode0: sure
(09:28:55 PM) ***lcafiero lives near HP
(09:29:07 PM) MadBus: lcafiero, Cali?
(09:29:11 PM) lcafiero: Yup
(09:29:15 PM) MadBus: lcafiero, I may be your neighbor soon
(09:29:19 PM) lcafiero: Just over the hill from the Silicon Valley.
(09:29:22 PM) lcafiero: Yeah?
(09:29:42 PM) MadBus: I'll be in or near Pasadena
(09:29:45 PM) ***lcafiero jumps for joy -- more ambassadors in California
(09:29:52 PM) inode0: working with vendors to get them to contribute
is a perfectly fine use of ambassador power
(09:29:52 PM) MadBus: (assuming the rest of the few loose ends get tied soon)
(09:30:15 PM) ***leitz heads off...
(09:30:17 PM) MadBus: inode0, that and also pitching Fedora for OEM use
(09:30:28 PM) MadBus: inode0, which is another good way to get contributors
(09:30:32 PM) lcafiero: Great MadBus
(09:30:37 PM) inode0: well, pitching for OEM use I don't think is productive
(09:30:51 PM) inode0: but you can try
(09:31:05 PM) MadBus: inode0, not productive - because they won't likely bite?
(09:31:32 PM) MadBus: (because of the short life?)
(09:31:41 PM) inode0: it doesn't make sense for them to bite, and I
don't think it makes sense for us to think they should
(09:31:55 PM) cprofitt: I think working with K-12 institutions could yield fruit
(09:31:59 PM) MadBus: or not productive because we could be spending
our time asking the vendor themselves to contribute
(09:32:03 PM) MadBus: cprofitt, +1
(09:32:13 PM) lcafiero: +1
(09:32:17 PM) cprofitt: if they want HP or Lenovo to give them Fedora
and they order 300 units
(09:32:19 PM) MadBus: cprofitt, except I worry about them too - I see
a computer lab full of fc3 machines
(09:32:21 PM) cprofitt: they will get that effort
(09:32:41 PM) inode0: yes, the short life is not a good fit
(09:32:48 PM) cprofitt: MadBus, I worry about that as well...
(09:33:03 PM) MadBus: cprofitt, I like your train of thought though
(09:33:08 PM) cprofitt: I think the budget crisis will impact a lot of schools
(09:33:15 PM) MadBus: cprofitt, if we could show a vendor a market
already exists
(09:33:20 PM) cprofitt: and they will be looking for a way off the
Apple/Microsoft train
(09:33:23 PM) MadBus: (and in my opinion it does)
(09:33:46 PM) MadBus: heh, online petition!
(09:33:49 PM) inode0: a vendor needs time to test, produce, get into
supply channels, sell, and it is EOL
(09:33:52 PM) StabbyMc: cprofitt: I think cent is likely a better
candidate, at least for their infrastructure.
(09:33:58 PM) cprofitt: and the issue I see is that the non-technical
administrative folks are scared of going off the track
(09:34:05 PM) cprofitt: StabbyMc, for the servers I agree
(09:34:09 PM) MadBus: StabbyMc, Cent doesn't have much in terms of
bells and whistles
(09:34:15 PM) cprofitt: for the desktops... maybe not
(09:34:24 PM) StabbyMc: Agreed, for many of the things the students
would want, Fedora would be nicer.
(09:34:27 PM) cprofitt: though Fedora is a little bleeding edge
(09:34:33 PM) MadBus: not enough to attract consumer PC buyers
(09:34:33 PM) cprofitt: for some I guess
(09:34:44 PM) MadBus: cprofitt, maybe a vendor re-spin
(09:34:50 PM) MadBus: that could work great if they contribute upstream
(09:35:09 PM) cprofitt: If a major vendor would offer Fedora then the
administrative non-technical people might stop being scared
(09:35:22 PM) MadBus: lol, good point
(09:35:23 PM) cprofitt: exactly MadBus
(09:35:32 PM) cprofitt: Like Dell with Ubuntu --
(09:35:42 PM) MadBus: cprofitt, very yes
(09:35:42 PM) cprofitt: they offer the media codecs and such
(09:35:43 PM) inode0: isn't going to happen
(09:36:00 PM) MadBus: cprofitt, Dell + Ubuntu is a great example
(09:36:00 PM) cprofitt: inode0, if we can get the schools to ask it might
(09:36:17 PM) StabbyMc: There's a reason RHEL came into being, and it
was Dell, IBM, HP, Oracle and many others who pushed for it.
(09:36:24 PM) MadBus: we need to find the right carrot to put in front
of the donkey
(09:36:47 PM) crossbytes: k12 needs to be worked on...
(09:36:55 PM) cprofitt: I know from my discussions with my HP and
Lenovo reps they said they would do it if a school asked for it...
(09:37:10 PM) MadBus: cprofitt, kewl!!
(09:37:18 PM) cprofitt: my problem is that my 'administrator' looks at
me like I have horns growing out of my head when I suggest FOSS
(09:37:23 PM) MadBus: cprofitt, I think Google might actually help us here
(09:37:25 PM) ***inode0 will believe it when he sees it
(09:37:37 PM) cprofitt: inode0, I agree it is a long shot...
(09:37:38 PM) StabbyMc: do it = install it, or do it = support it?
(09:37:48 PM) cprofitt: StabbyMc, both
(09:37:54 PM) MadBus: cprofitt, it would be cool to tell Google our
thoughts - another long shot
(09:38:01 PM) cprofitt: but it would have to be a large institutional order
(09:38:06 PM) MadBus: but I bet K12 schools would be attracted to Google
(09:38:42 PM) MadBus: K12 at least would eliminate some of the stigma
towards Linux with the next generation
(09:38:54 PM) cprofitt: I actually think the key is to get the
teachers to WANT it...
(09:39:08 PM) MadBus: cprofitt, and mention the free part for their IT staff
(09:39:16 PM) cprofitt: and talk to larger city schools about how
Linux (Fedora) and FOSS software closes the digital divide
(09:39:16 PM) StabbyMc: cprofitt: I just think it's a hard sale as
fedora needs care and feeding and has a shelf life of about a year.
k-12 lab administrators like stuff like XP that's been around for how
long? ...
(09:39:28 PM) crossbytes: not k-12 k12ltsp
(09:39:36 PM) inode0: talking with some of the prominent Fedora
contributors not too far removed from K-12 you don't get much feeling
K-12 is eager to go this way
(09:39:51 PM) cprofitt: StabbyMc, I agree that I would prefer an LTS,
but I also like the option to have more recent stuff
(09:40:02 PM) cprofitt: I actually am a K-12 systems administrator
(09:40:17 PM) cprofitt: I used to do Novell... now AD / OD
(09:40:19 PM) crossbytes: I am working with alot of k12 principals
now.. that is why I am intrestd in the OLPC
(09:40:23 PM) MadBus: K12 LTSP
(09:40:24 PM) MadBus: wow
(09:40:36 PM) StabbyMc: cprofitt: here in ATL, the schools are using
RHEL with some terminal services and dataless terminals.
(09:40:45 PM) cprofitt: but would like to move towards Fedora
Directory Server or something like that...
(09:40:48 PM) cprofitt: StabbyMc, yep...
(09:41:07 PM) StabbyMc: They wanted dataless because they'd have less
machines to maintain.
(09:41:07 PM) MadBus: cprofitt, if you want "LTS" help me with me EOL
updates, but that's a different conversation
(09:41:10 PM) cprofitt: haven't broken that water here in WNY
(09:41:19 PM) cprofitt: and the backend of a district would likely be RHEL
(09:41:57 PM) crossbytes: and also
 and I help them set the systems up..
(09:42:00 PM) cprofitt: yeah LTSP is a very strong choice as schools
move aware from individual work stations, but I think with the low
cost of the netbooks they are looking at 1 to 1 ideas again
(09:42:03 PM) inode0: I don't want to cut off the discussion but I do
want to end the meeting ... feel free to continue here or in
#fedora-ambassadors this discussion
(09:42:07 PM) StabbyMc: cprofitt: City of Atlanta shelled out big $$
on eqiupment, and then again on consultants because they just don't
have the skills on staff.
(09:42:23 PM) inode0: 5
(09:42:24 PM) inode0: 4
(09:42:25 PM) inode0: 3
(09:42:25 PM) inode0: 21
(09:42:25 PM) cprofitt: StabbyMc, but the skills can be developed...
(09:42:29 PM) inode0: EOF

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