[Ambassadors] NA Media Production for F11

Clint Savage herlo1 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 01:53:13 UTC 2009

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 2:43 PM, David Nalley <david at gnsa.us> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I am copying John Poelstra as this is perhaps something that should be
> added to the schedule.
> We are about 6 weeks away from F11 release. From what I recall from
> F10, artwork delay was a big factor in the delay of media and we had
> set some timelines on when we needed to get the artwork taken care of,
> to the printer, etc.
> So lets start that discussion here.
> Clint: Since you are also the liaison with Art, is the media and
> sleeve artwork ready. If not what's the date it will be? Is there
> anything the rest of us can do to push all of this along?
> Thanks
> Sorry for tying up the global list with a regional discussion.
> David Nalley

if you look at poelcat's timeline, it's in there --
I had this discussion with the planning folks during the release
planning at FUDCon about making sure that art was ready at least 2
weeks prior to release.   Essentially, I think we can get the sleeves
done first, then the CD order can happen afterward.

I'm not sure what else we can do but wait for the deadline to come.  I
can mention it to the fedora-art-list as well (now cc'd) so they can
start looking to making the art.  But I think since it'll likely be
based upon the desktop background (which is looking awesome btw), I
think it'll be easy to complete.



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