[Ambassadors] Fedora Spirit videos

Andrew Jamison linux at blogmethat.net
Tue Apr 14 15:33:57 UTC 2009

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Francesco Ugolini wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 1:07 AM, Andrew Jamison <linux at blogmethat.net> wrote:
>> Hello Fellow Ambassadors,
>> I have been looking around for cool ways to promote Fedora and stumbled
>> across Ubuntu's Spirit of Ubuntu videos they are planning for the
>> official media (media ordered from launchpad) that has several videos
>> from prominent people in the Ubuntu community that have helped some way
>> or another.
>> I think something similar but not neccessarily the same exact model
>> would be cool to include on media that is handed out at events so people
>> can show this to their friends and help to further spread the word.
> Maybe it would be useful to send this proposal to Marketing Project
> (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing).
> I think this could be a good starting point to investigate new and
> original ways to communicate with people. Fedora demonstrated and is
> demonstrating that there are infinite possibilities to do a thing, and
> sure fedora marketers will be able to think, with the contribution of
> all the community (Ambassadors too!), at some genius idea to spread
> the Fedora voice.
> Regards
> Francesco Ugolini
I will most likely do that once i get a formal proposal drawn up but i
want to get opinions from the community first and see where this would
be steered toward. In other words weather it would be a promotional
oriented video or a behind the fedora kind of video.

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