[Ambassadors] Done the work ; Re Fedora-ambassadors-list Digest, Vol 44, Issue 10]

Aveek Sen aveeksn at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 12:49:55 UTC 2009

Hi! Ambassadors,

> So, the work is:
>   Can you please create a wiki page which will describe the mailing
> list etiquettes for Fedora? We want to make this a reference for
> future. This may not much different from the LUG guidelines. But
> please don't copy blindly.

I have completed the task. Please go through  the Fedora wiki page and
send me the feedback. i will improvise on it after that.

Sorry for being late. Ahd my examinations, as I earlier mentioned. The
internet access here is limited.

> Thanks.
> --
> Regards,
> Susmit.


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