[Ambassadors] Re: Fedora 11: What do we expect?

mohaas05 (Kaminator) mohaas05 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 2 03:14:15 UTC 2009

I apologize if I worded myself incorrectly. I never meant to say that Fedora
should not be easy at all. Rather I meant that we shouldn't go out of the
way just to make it easy. It should really be a balance between increasing
usability for new users while at the same time not hindering more advanced

Kamin Horvath
Fedora Ambassadors USA

2009/2/1 Ashiqur Rahman Angel <angel at linux.org.bd>

> When did I say, we have to include close source software with Fedora? I
> didn´t say it. All I just wish, easiest way of the solutions of this issues.
> So more people will start using Fedora.
> I am using Fedora from the beginning of  the Fedora Core. Everything is
> easy for me. But think about a Windows User, who wants to switch to Linux,
> can you please tell me, why he will use Fedora instead of Ubuntu? In Ubuntu
> he can easily enable the close source repo, he can easily install all kind
> of multimedia software, he can easily install nvidia/ati driver. He can do
> this thing graphically, and anyone can easily do it. But in case of Fedora,
> he need to googleing to install close source software, as well as, codecs
> and other drivers. Now tell me, why he will use Fedora instead of Ubuntu, as
> Ubuntu is also an Open Source and Linux Operating System? Why? Because of
> free and freedom? Nop. Ubuntu is also free. They also don´t include close
> source software, but it´s very easier to enable close source. Now, if there
> is some other reason (please explain, i dont know) you can say, why they
> should use Fedora instead of Ubuntu, then I´ll say, users doesn´t care about
> those reasons at all. Prove is, Ubuntu is now most popular Linux OS.
> Now, if you tell me, Fedora is not for new users, then my apologies for
> opening this thread. I have nothing to say. I´ll change my strategy to
> promoting Fedora (I´ll encouarage only advanced Linux users to try Fedora,
> not a new user).
> At last, I just want to know, can anyone please tell me, why did I open
> this thread? I am giving the answer, it´s so simple, because I love Fedora,
> I want to promote Fedora in wider public of the world. And I want to see,
> other people is using Fedora. But amximum of yours impression is, I want to
> break Fedora´s goal. Please, open your mind. Try to understand. I have my
> study, I have my work. I don´t have any reasons to arguing with you.
> --
> Angel
> GPG key: 0x34001F46
> Bangladesh Linux Users Alliance
> Fedora Ambassador Bangladesh
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Angel
> Fedora -- Freedom² and rapid innovation
> --
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