[Ambassadors] Install Fest : BCREC

Ankur Sinha sanjay.ankur at gmail.com
Sat Feb 7 19:22:10 UTC 2009

On Sun, 2009-02-08 at 00:47 +0530, Ratnadeep Debnath wrote:
> What : Install Fest cum Talk on Linux/FOSS.
> When : Friday, the 30th of January '09.
> Where : Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur.
> By : The  Linux Users' Group of Durgapur, DGPLUG.
> Head Count : 100-120.
> Systems Installed : 10. [most of the first year students have not
> bought a system yet...expecting another few installations when they do
> so.]
> Media Distributed : 60 (appx.) [Fedora 10 DVDs and Fedora 10 Live-CD
> KDE were distributed]
> Feedback : A huge success, demands of conducting another one.
> [working on it already...sometime in the middle of Feb. probably
> ...thinking of introducing GCC this time.]
> The event went out as planned. Since the audience had no prior
> knowledge about Linux or FOSS, we began with talking on FOSS and
> Linux. The '4F' of FOSS was explained  and other advantages were
> discussed. Also, we emphasized on the difference between the EULA and
> GPL license agreements, also emphasized that Linux is not affected by
> viruses, and is highly secured. We then spoke about the Linux
> filesystem and explained that it does not require any defragmention.
> The audience were really amazed at and impressed by the advantages of
> Linux over Windows. Then, we informed them about the different
> distributions of Linux available and made them realise their "Freedom
> of Choice" and that there can be a day without "Microsoft Windows".
> Gradually, we moved forward and began installation. The distro to be
> installed was Fedora 10. Step-by-Step installation procedure was being
> shown via a projector(we used Virtual Box to virtually install on a
> system and connected t to the projector). Simultaneously, 10 DGPLUG
> volunteers who were guiding the students with the installation of
> Fedora 10 in their computer systems.
> We again resumed our discussion when the package installation had
> started. Then we emphasized on The Linux Users' Group of Durgapur,
> DGPLUG and its activities in increasing Linux awareness in the area.
> We discussed about the ongoing Bijra Project (bijra.dgplug.org),
> showed the audience some videos on OLPC, Truth Happens, History of
> Fedora. After the installation was done, we did a session on vim and
> then on gcc. Then we showed the Kdeedu tools, the Gnome and KDE
> Desktop environments, the Compiz effects ( it really captivated the
> audience who had by then become the spectators), the Sound and Video
> applications, Pidgin, XChat and others. We finally wrapped everything
> up with the "I'm Fedora" video.
> Finally, at around 4:30 p.m. everyone went back satisfied.
> Regards,
> The Linux Users' Group of Durgapur, DGPLUG
> --
> Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list
> Fedora-ambassadors-list at redhat.com
> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-ambassadors-list


Great event. Youve given me ideas for the Fest we're holding later.
Thanks and well done!



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