[Ambassadors] HAR 2009 Event

Yaakov Nemoy loupgaroublond at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 13:57:23 UTC 2009

Hey all,

This weekend, spurred on by Fosdem, i've put a wiki page for HAR 2009.


In short, HAR2009 is a hacking camp, with a very unstructured style. I
will try to attend, and if any other Ambassadors or contributers out
there would also like to come, it might be good to put together a
Fedora track/village. I encourage everyone to sign up soon, as the
ticket price is on a deep discount for the next few weeks. I also
recommend people to submit papers to the main track, if you have
anything of interest.

Meanwhile, i would like to see if there is any interest in a
mini-fudcon, or a FAD as well. Events like these are a great time to
get together to work on a project. Please let me know if you are
interested, so we can begin planning this.

Finally, while this is a camping event, there are luxury cabins
available for anyone who prefers not to 'rough it'. They are a bit
more expensive, but if the price is split, it is not any more
expensive than a hotel for 4 days. We can coordinate sharing one if
there are enough requests. Also, if you would like to bring your
family, or just can't bear to be away from them from too long, there
is also a family village there. While i describe this event as a bit
radical, the rules for the family village are very strict and above
all, bad behavior is not tolerated anywhere at the event.

Hope to see you there,

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