[Ambassadors] monthly EMEA meeting

Luca Foppiano luca at foppiano.org
Tue Feb 10 12:57:46 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-02-10 at 13:06 +0100, Max Spevack wrote:
> Our next monthly Ambassadors meeting for EMEA will be on Wednesday 
> February 18th.
> Last time we held the meeting at 20:00 UTC and a few people said they 
> wanted to revisit the meeting time.
> So I offer you four choices, and you may +1 as many of them as you 
> like.  Whatever gets the most +1s will be the meeting time.
> 19:00 UTC

> 20:00 UTC


> 21:00 UTC


> 22:00 UTC


 Today is Sweetmorn, the 41st day of Chaos in the YOLD 3175 

Never argue with a man who buys ink by the barrel.

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