[Ambassadors] Media for APAC Ambassadors

Heherson Pagcaliwagan azneita at fedoraproject.org
Fri Feb 13 10:46:00 UTC 2009

> Hi. I have 1000 LiveCDs and 1000 DVDs of Fedora 10 x86 ready for
> distribution to APAC Ambassadors.

Thank you for the heads up Harish. I think Magie can make use of them
for our upcoming event on the 18th[1]. I just hope it can come ahead of
time :)

>            https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/FreeMedia
> for now.  Please contact me directly with quantity you need and I
> will arrange for it to be shipped to you.
> Thanks.

[1] http://fedora.bluepoint.com.ph/index.php?entry=20090203162921

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