[Ambassadors] FAmNA Meeting Summary from 2009-02-17

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 04:51:39 UTC 2009

* Announcements

   - SCaLE/FAD is this weekend in Los Angeles.

     Will announce on f-a-l if there are any developments on remote

* Meeting Schedule Beginning in March and Continuing Through Q1

   - After discussing several options for the when to meet in the next
     quarter the following was agreed to:

     1st Thursday and 3rd Tuesday at the current time (9pm in the east
     and 6pm in the west, 02:00 UTC the morning of the following day).

     So the schedule for now will be to meet on the following evenings:

     Thursday March  5
     Tuesday  March 17
     Thursday April  2
     Tuesday  April 21
     Thursday May    7
     Tuesday  May   19

     We hope this will allow some new ambassadors to participate in the
     meetings as we continue to develop the Ambassador program in North

     It was also agreed that should anyone feel the need exists we will
     call additional meetings as necessary.

* Budget Review [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Budget]

   - Q4 is at an end, very productive quarter for NA.

   - Q1 budget development needs to be done now.

* Tasks [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Tasks]

   - No report

* Open Floor

   - KarlieRobinson reported about some events planned in her area.

   - inode0 discussed creating a Fedora presence at the Red Hat Summit.

   - djf_jeff/mdomsch coordinated some details for getting started with
     the Montreal Linux Symposium.

I would again like to thank all the participants, especially the new
ambassadors joining us for the first time tonight.

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