[Ambassadors] Finally prepared the offline repo for the Install Fest at Kalyani Govt. College

Ratnadeep Debnath rtnpro at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 17:56:14 UTC 2009

Finally I have prepared an offline Fedora 10 repo ( though not
complete), which is ready to install all the basic audio, video, image
softwares, audio-video codecs, KDE 4.2 update, KdeEdu, VirtualBox,
Kernel, nvidia drivers, etc. I
successfully installed updates in my system and another system of my
friend offline via an FTP server. I have also prepared a kickstart
file to automate Fedora 10 installation.
Hope this all works fine and smoothly during the day of the Install
Fest in Kalyani Govt. College.

Ratnadeep Debnath,

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