[Ambassadors] Re: inactive ambassadors, a proposed solution

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 21 06:55:20 UTC 2009

2009/2/21 Ashiqur Rahman Angel <angel at linux.org.bd>:
> On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 12:19 PM, inode0 <inode0 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I believe in free software, I was inspired by someone I admire, I
>> believe in the Fedora Project's core values. Freedom. Friends.
>> Features. First. I give way more than 10 minutes each day to the
>> Fedora Project. Writing monthly reports was most definitely not on my
>> list of reasons.
> What I meant, if you do anything for Fedora (no matter, its talking with
> people or helping in Forum), then you can spend another 10 minutes to write
> a report, at least in a month.

Yes, I could choose to write a report once a month. But I don't. I
make a different choice as do a lot of people about how we want to
spend our time contributing. I suggest you lead by example and just do
it. You don't need a rule.

Reports are wonderful. Blogs are wonderful. Giving keynote addresses
at conferences are wonderful. These things and hundreds more are
wonderful ways an ambassador can contribute. None of them are
required. We will all be happier if we can choose to contribute in
ways we enjoy and if we are not required to do things we don't enjoy.


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