[Ambassadors] SCaLE 7x Event Reports

Clint Savage herlo1 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 03:38:19 UTC 2009

More and more SCaLE 7x reports are coming in from the event this
weekend.  I've been hard at work collecting them on the SCaLE7x Event
page on the wiki[1]

Please take a moment and make sure I got them all and add yours if I didn't.

Also, please take a moment and blog about the FAD if you already
didn't.  Especially what you liked and didn't like about the process
and how it can be improved.  I think FADs are the best tool for
socializing and getting stuff done.  My thought is we will be holding
one at every major event we participate.



1 - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCaLE_7x_Event#Blogs_and_Reports

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