[Ambassadors] Re: Organize NA and EMEA IRC meeting

Francesco Ugolini francesco at ephisia.org
Wed Feb 25 15:39:22 UTC 2009

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Max Spevack <mspevack at redhat.com> wrote:
>> What about Wednesday 25th at 18.00 UTC?
> Is this happening today?

It was a question after reviewing many possibility.

BTW, if people could be there today, I'll be there.

If not, I'll add in my agenda next Wednesday as meeting time and I'll
send all the reminders. (see below, at the end of the email)

I'm sorry but the discussion we had in this list took most of my time
and I didn't notice we were near to this deadline (wed 25th).

Don't worry, if it couldn't be today, it would be the next week :)


Francesco Ugolini

> For whenever it does happen, here are some topics I think are worth
> discussing.  Maybe it's better to have these discussions over email, so that
> we can have some threads with more substance than "active or inactive".

I agree completely with you.

I think it should be a good start to have this question answered by people.

> (1) Where is work being duplicated between teams?  In the places where it
> is, is that duplication necessary, or redundant?  IMHO, I think that most of
> the duplicated work is necessary due to geographical problems.
> (2) What's the relationship with Red Hat like in both regions?  Where can we
> get better support?  What do you need that you aren't getting?
> (3) Do people feel like they have enough resources?  How do we deal with the
> challenge of having more events than we can possibly fund properly, and
> therefore having to prioritize some events over others, without hurting the
> feelings of individual event owners?
> (4) What are the problems we are currently trying to solve in each region,
> and how are we going about doing it?
> (5) Is FAMSCO giving you what you need?

So, if you agree with me, we should postpone the meeting next week
after all of those questions will be reviewed/thought.

Is this ok?

Thank you Max for these good points.


Francesco Ugolini

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