[Ambassadors] Location of a FA !

Hisham Abdel-Magid hisham.imam at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 20:29:47 UTC 2009

crystal clear :)

thanx red ^_^

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 11:23 PM, Sandro red Mathys
<red at fedoraproject.org>wrote:

> Hi,
> > when i signed to join FA i used to live and work in my home country
> > (Sudan),
> > and i am the only FA there ... now i work in a different country (Qatar),
> > in
> > which it appears that there is no ambassador yet. ...
> It's a pity that there are no ambassadors yet - but luckily, now you're an
> ambassador :) Thanks for helping us spread the word about Fedora where
> no-one else does so yet!
> > so, my Q is: I do promote and assist about Fedora wherever i go and work,
> > but where shall I count my self? Sudan or Qatar? ..  am i a FA in both?
> ..
> > if "Yes" i would be the "only" FA in either! .. if "No" then do i need to
> > re-submit for FAS account with the other country?! ...
> You can be an ambassador in both, Sudan an Qatar. Normally, you take the
> role of an ambassador in the country you live and/or work or a country
> that is really nearby of your position (like 30min drive and you're
> there). But you are free where and in how many countries you are an
> ambassador. If you think you can help present Fedora in both countries,
> that's great! If you think you can only be active in the country you live
> now, that's fine.
> Your FAS account does not need to be re-submitted, it's not tied to the
> place you live or the original task it was created for (like being an
> ambassador in country XY). Even if one day you decide to no longer be an
> ambassador but you're active in another team (like translation or
> documentation), your FAS account keeps the same.
> >
> > i think i'm a bit confused :| ... (besides, i think those r more than one
> > Q
> I hope I was able to lift the confusion from you and give As to all your
> Qs. If you still have questions regarding this, feel free to reply and ask
> them to the list. Also, if you need any help on how to spread Fedora in
> your countries, ask the list!
> -- red
> --
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