[Ambassadors] [Fwd: [FOSDEM] News : Call For Participation]

Gerold Kassube gerold at lugd.org
Mon Oct 12 17:08:07 UTC 2009

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
> Von: info at fosdem.org
> Reply-to: FOSDEM visitors <fosdem at lists.fosdem.org>
> An: fosdem at lists.fosdem.org
> Betreff: [FOSDEM] News : Call For Participation
> Datum: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 18:56:34 +0200 (CEST)
> FOSDEM [1], the most developer-oriented Free and Opensource conference in
> Europe, is taking place in Brussels, Belgium [2] on *Saturday 6 and Sunday 7
> February 2010*. Apart from having many invited speakers, the conference
> offers developer rooms, stands and lightning talks to projects from the Free
> and Opensource community. This results in a staggering number of 250+
> lectures!
> We hereby welcome proposals from speakers and projects to talk in a main
> track, man a stand, or hold a lightning talk. /Information on developer rooms
> will become available later, as we are slightly reworking the concept/.
> As every year, we have only a limited number of rooms, space for stands and
> lightning talk slots. Since we always receive more requests than we can host,
> a committee within the FOSDEM organizing team will review all proposals.
> Selection will be based on possible impact, our experience of previous
> editions and diversity in the offerings.
> .... Main Tracks
> During the two days of the conference the biggest rooms are reserved for the
> three keynotes and the eighteen technical lectures giving a seat for no less
> than 2000 visitors. The main tracks are categorized in six general topics
> going from development languages, security, kernel, collaboration,... When
> holding a main track talk, you have the privilege to have your travel costs
> refunded and a hotel room booked by the organization.
> See http://fosdem.org/2010/call_for_main_tracks [3]
> .... Devrooms
> Our goal for the developer rooms is to stimulate developer collaboration and
> cross-pollination between projects. /We are reworking the concept of devrooms
> a bit, to better achieve those goals using the room capacity we have/.
> .... Stands
> We offer stands in the hallways to projects that want to present themselves
> to the visitors in a more personal fashion. Stands can be used to share
> information, demo software, sell merchandising or give away goodies.
> See http://fosdem.org/2010/call_for_stands [4]
> .... Lightning talks
> Lightning talks are for all other projects that want to present something. A
> lightning talk is a short talk in which a project can introduce itself, talk
> about recent developments, or share exciting new directions.
> See http://fosdem.org/2010/call_for_lightningtalks [5]
> FOSDEM 2010 will be the 10th edition of the event, which has been steadily
> growing every year in importance and in the number of visitors. Our goal is
> to provide a platform to Free and Opensource projects to meet, discuss,
> present their current and future developments, both to their own developer
> and user community as to other projects that are present. Given the large
> amount of active contributors from many different projects present during the
> conference, it is an exceptionally well suited occasion to share goals and
> ideas with people from other communities, which is something we strongly
> encourage and do our best to support. Of course, the event only lives through
> the projects that take part in it, and through the many FOSS contributors who
> attend. We merely do our best to provide the best possible service to the
> FOSS community at large.
> .... Key dates:
>   * 2009-11-22: Deadline for *main track talk* requests
>   * 2009-11-22: Deadline for *stand* requests
>   * 2009-11-29: Acceptance notification of stands and main tracks
>   * 2009-12-20: Deadline for *lightning talk* requests
>   * 2009-12-28: Acceptance notification of lightning talks
>   * 2010-02-06 to 2009-02-07: FOSDEM 2010
> For more information, or to fill in the form check out:
> http://fosdem.org/2010/call_for_participation
> [1] http://fosdem.org
> [2] http://fosdem.org/practical/transportation
> [3] http://fosdem.org/2010/call_for_main_tracks
> [4] http://fosdem.org/2010/call_for_stands
> [5] http://fosdem.org/2010/call_for_lightningtalks
> _______________________________________________
> FOSDEM mailing list
> FOSDEM at lists.fosdem.org
> http://lists.fosdem.org/mailman/listinfo/fosdem
Gerold Kassube <gerold at lugd.org>
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