[Ambassadors] Campus Ambassadors -- Where we are and where we want to be (the Ambassadors List version)

Ryan Rix ry at n.rix.si
Sun Apr 11 04:01:19 UTC 2010

Hello one and all!

The work to reenergize the Fedora Campus Ambassadors program continues! I 
just wanted to let the list know of a few things, and ask a few 

I just mailbombed about twenty people listed on the CampusAmb page[1] who 
are listed, but are not a member of Fedora's ambassadors group, asking 
them to apply for ambassadorship if they are interested in joining the 
program. The rationale for this is explained at [2]. tl;dr: Campus 
Ambassadors are regular ambassadors who represent themselves at schools 
rather than the entire community. As such, anyone who's actually 
interested in joining Campus Ambassadors is about to go find a mentor... 
Just giving our loving mentors a heads up :)

Which takes me to my next thing... I considered bringing this straight to 
FAMSCo, but maybe bringing it to the main list would be a good way to come 
up with possible a better solution. I'd like to propose having a few new 
mentors added to the current list of Fedora Ambassadors Mentors. Yes, yes, 
I know, crazy. These mentors would not be allowed to mentor anyone 
_except_ campus ambassadors and/or they would be the only ones allowed to 
mentor campus ambassadors, so that they get proper vetting and training as 
to how they can affect campuses, since they are decidedly different places 
that the Real World. What are everyone's thoughts on this? How would we 
make this happen?

[1]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Campus_Ambassadors
[2]: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/campus-ambassadors/2010-

Ryan Rix
== http://hackersramblings.wordpress.com | http://rix.si/ ==
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