[Ambassadors] Just an idea...

Manuel Escudero Jmlevick at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 08:01:17 UTC 2010

See, the uptade bug announced here:
http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2010-July/002843.html really
worried me...
it is not a secret that there's a myth about the Fedora O.S. not being
situable for every-day desktop users, and I agree with the idea of this
being just a myth...
Well, it's kind of true that there are some a little bit "More User
Friendly" Linux Distributions but in my point of view Fedora is the Right,
(Just Perfect) combination Between "Being Friendly" and "Being Didactical";
Fedora Offers to the user some kind of "Extra Linux Knowledge"
Without being really hard for "newbies", wich is just great... The point is
that I was concerned about this bug because:

I was thinking: "Ok, I visit the Fedora Project Website quite often", so I
know there's a Bug and I get my hands working to fix it.
(As a matter of fact I fixed it some time ago without being totally awared
of it)
But then I thought about all the people that Just use Fedora as a Normal
Desktop O.S,
Those people who doesn't care what's going on in the website, those people
who were convinced by a friend/family member
to install Fedora in their PC's... Those Newbies.

This brought me a conclusion: If the announcement is only in the Fedora
Website and maybe in some blogs,
¿How will those people be awared of the bug? Of course their "geek" friends
can tell them and maybe handle the fixing part
but we're talking about thousands, maybe millions of "Fedora Newbies"
affected by the MOST MORTAL VIRUS in the history
of humankind: The lack of information...

So because of this, I came out with an idea, it's just an idea, don't know
if you may consider it important and/or interesting:

Why don't we use a "second notification system" I mean, by example, we can
add to anaconda an additional step
to let people create some kind of FAS account in order to win more "adepts"
and also giving us the chance of notify
them by e-mail or something like that when this kind of problems happen. (Of
course, if they agree with that)

Or maybe a Fedora News Digest app integrated in all major desktop
enviroments and activable only under users order...

Don't Know... Just an idea, any words to add?

P.S. I contributed with my two cents by making a blog post announcing the
bug and also asked the "thisweekinlinux" guy to talk about it in his next
in order to let more users to be awared of the bug and able to fix it, he
agreed by the way :)

<-Manuel Escudero->
Linux User #509052
@GWave: jmlevick at googlewave.com
@Blogger: http://www.blogxenode.tk/ (Xenode Systems Blog)
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