[Ambassadors] Urgent Matter

Manuel Escudero Jmlevick at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 23:37:23 UTC 2010

2010/8/30 inode0 <inode0 at gmail.com>

> 2010/8/30 Manuel Escudero <Jmlevick at gmail.com>:
> > Sorry about the shouting... As I see no ambassadors are interested in
> this
> > I'm posting my message into KDE, Skype and other forums... For me, the
> final
> > user is as important as Fedora.
> Slight shift to something that is ambassador related ...
> I'm curious at this point what is it about Fedora that matters to you?
> Why should these users use Fedora at all? What about Fedora draws you
> to it and makes you want to promote Fedora?
> John
> --
> ambassadors mailing list
> ambassadors at lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/ambassadors

@John: I wrote an article that explains the answer to your question for the
Fedora LATAM Magazine,
I'm going to give a brief answer here for you:

1) What is about fedora that matters to me?

It's care for giving the Linux user the most cutting edge technology is what
has made me
a faithful follower of Fedora Linux and this same "love for innovation" was
what brought me
into the Fedora Project world, because I personally quite like innovation,
most if we're talking
about computer's technology of these days...

2) Why should these users use fedora at all?

I think because Fedora is the perfect mix between Technology and choice,
it's free, ir's secure, it's elegant and it's capable of about everything
because of
it's community. If we can get more users involved into the project we can
give a
better service that other distros and we can have more followers that love
because we have the greatest linux distribution in the world...

3) What about fedora drew me to it and made me want to promote it?

My passion for innovation and the will to give the user Top Line software
that is usable in their lives, For example, let me tell you an anecdote:

Here at México is an organism called IEMS, this organism provides free High
Education for the mexicans and they use linux as their base system... Since
years ago,
they're using Mandriva for the "General" part and for the music session they
used to use Ubuntu Studio.

Now, Since months ago, they were having problems with Ubuntu Studio, one
software they used to use didn't sound
so the students weren't able to take their music class as it was suposed to
be. Then in a Linux conference I met a Music teacher
of ONE of these schools and called me to solve the problem because no one at
that time was able to do it...

I had trouble solving their problem, but at the end, my solution was
changing Ubuntu Studio for Fedora, wich works great and now,
what started in that ONE school, is expanding: From that day, ALL SCHOOLS of
the IEMS organism are replacing Ubuntu Studio for
Fedora, and the executives and bosses are in talks to standarize ALL
computers with only one distribution: Fedora.

Is because this stories of success I've lived with this distro I'm gonna
continue working for it, I'm going to promote it
and also, I'm going to support the final user who wants to use Linux and do
not "have a headache", Because Linux is
for everyone, but not everyone finds it as easy to use as maybe you or me
find it.


<-Manuel Escudero->
Linux User #509052
@GWave: jmlevick at googlewave.com
@Blogger: http://www.blogxenode.tk/ (Xenode Systems Blog)
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