[Ambassadors] Call For Participation writer for the talking points

bhutto aamir amir181920 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 17 20:23:35 UTC 2010

TalkingPoints are key features of the new release that we want to point out they are meant to answer the question "so what cool stuff is in the latest release of Fedora?" So we are inviting *everyone* active/inactive to participate in writing the talking points of "Fedora 13"


Feel free to add-in features that you think should be a talking point and the reasons( if you see a feature and want it to be a talking point, put down the reasons why ) You can follow the Talking point SOP https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talking_Points_SOP  if you want to know how we are making talking points for Fedora 13.

Aamir A Bhutto


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