[Ambassadors] Fedora Events Template Updated

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 19 19:13:23 UTC 2012

I noticed today that we had a very old and somewhat mangled over time
template for ambassadors to use when creating new event pages on the
wiki. I've updated this to reflect what I think are best practices
although I'll admit those are based on my experience so they may be
biased. Please take a look and provide feedback. Of course, each event
is different so ambassadors are always able to include sections not
listed in the template or omit ones that are as they see fit for their
particular events.


As we continue to work toward improving our budget processes I think
it would be really nice if the event pages eventually become the final
word on costs associated with events so that we can use these to
document and track our event budget expenses.


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