[Ambassadors] Improving swag shipping and production

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 29 20:22:51 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I hope you remember the Ambassadors survey Ankur started a while back
[1]. One of the results was that many ambassadors have problems getting
swag. This includes both production as well as shipping.

FAmSCo wants to address this issue and we need your help here. We opened
a ticket [2] and invited people who are involved in the swag business to
provide feedback. We already had some good ideas such as a 'swag
wrangler' for each region, but it turns out that so far most of that
feedback comes from regions where swag shipping and production work - or
at least the people who are doing it, think so.

Therefor I'd like to hear something from the regions where there are
problems and the people who complained. When you reply, please state
     1. where you are from (Country)
     2. what problems do you have exactly (too slow, too expansive, ...)
     3. How often did you have these problems (once, sometimes, every

Last but not least: Let's not point figures at each other, but collect
feedback to make things better. So please don't say "Foo is an idiot
because he did not send bar in time" :)

Kind regards,

[1] http://ankursinha.fedorapeople.org/survey-report.pdf
[2] https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/250

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