[Ambassadors] Mentors (was Re: Urgent : Asking for Vote)

Tristan Santore tristan.santore at internexusconnect.net
Mon Mar 5 20:01:36 UTC 2012

On 05/03/12 19:31, Christoph Wickert wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 06.03.2012, 00:16 +0530 schrieb Buddhika Kurera:
>> 2) Get the involvement of new mentors.
>> We have a set guideline[1] for welcoming new mentors already. So will follow it.
>> AFAIK, Tatica was/is working drafting a new guideline for Mentors.
>> (Pls correct me if I am wrong)
>> You can join with her and include your ideas as well.
> Tatica drafted something at
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Tatica/Ambassadors-Mentors and
> FAmSCo discussed it.  In the meeting Tatica said she had been
> misunderstood because her proposal was dealing with too many points at a
> time.  She wanted to focus on ambassadors rather than on mentors.
> Ambassadors should not only be people who organize and attend events and
> sit at the Fedora stand all day, but involved in other parts of Fedora,
> too.  I very much agree with that and said so on several occasions
> already: In a perfect world, every ambassadors is member of at least one
> other group.
> On the other hand I an very skeptic about the other suggestions on
> mentors.  I do not like the idea of electing new mentors every 6 months.
> We need to appoint new mentors whenever we need them.  And frankly
> speaking I do not like the idea of voting either.  Becoming a mentor is
> not a popularity contest.  I think appointing is the right way because
> we only appoint people who have proven to be active for a while and who
> have proven to have deep understanding of Fedora and the ambasasdors.
> Of course we are always looking for ways to improve, so I am happy about
> any input.  If you have an idea, please read what we discussed with
> Tatica so far [1] and then come up with a propsal in trac [2].
> Kind regards,
> Christoph
> [1]
> http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-02-15/famsco_2012-02-15.2012-02-15-22.00.log.html#l-283
> [2] https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/259
> --
> ambassadors mailing list
> ambassadors at lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/ambassadors
Nicely summarised. I could not have summarised it any better. Thank you

I also fully agree with your assessment of the situation. To reiterate,
the ambassador programme always expected ambassadors to act professional
and with integrity, that means, ambassadors should have a understanding
of how Fedora works, what it does, and what its aims are. Otherwise how
can you help somebody or give good solid advice.

In my very humble opinion, the mentor programme should function the same
way too. We do not need mentors who cannot and do not want to put the
work in required. Or of course, for work reasons who cannot.
I should stress that, work and education should always come before
anything Fedora, unless you are employed/sponsored by Red Hat or another
organisation to work on Fedora or the packages it has, full time.

This equally applies to any other aspect of Fedora
development/organisational work. Your day job comes first!!

Another thing to stress is, little things help Fedora too, just filing
bugs for Infra or against packages, is of great help and importance and
appreciated by everyone. So, in that respect, any user who uses Fedora
is an ambassador in their own right. Some people get "title mad", which
is also why the Indian ambassador sign-ups were restricted. Everyone was
"signing" up, but not many people did anything. It was just for the CV
(at least from my understanding[I should stress that]).

So, appointments work best for mentors.



Tristan Santore BSc MBCS
Network and Infrastructure Operations
Mobile +44-78-55069812
Tristan.Santore at internexusconnect.net

Former Thawte Notary
(Please note: Thawte has closed its WoT programme down,
and I am therefore no longer able to accredit trust)

For Fedora related issues, please email me at:
TSantore at fedoraproject.org

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