[Ambassadors] [APAC] The incomming Indonesian Community Conflict

Prima Yogi Loviniltra jurankdankkal at fedoraproject.org
Fri May 4 09:36:45 UTC 2012

>  "You" need it? Is it "I" or "My community"?
> on the other server, I can see that a forum is already running.
> http://fedora.or.id/forum/
> [snip]

Dear Kévin,
Arif means that for the Fedora Indonesia Community...
I'm one of the contributor in Fedora-Id also Ambassadors...
The cronolgy is like this, when fedora.or.id dead and no one can be in
contact to revive the forum and portal, finally arif have an idea to request
http://id.fedoracommunity.org/ to be a official portal fedora-id and he
also recruit some fedora contributor also ambassadors to help him to manage
that ,and we also have a file ticket to up mailing list again here
http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans-id/ and irc in
#fedora-id, because
if we just waiting for the fedora.or.id when will up we'll stuck without
any action right?
The ugly wordpress n the message "under maintanence" is because I'm still
doing a configuration because we're now moving from blogger to new hosting
and here http://id.fedoracommunity.org/forum<http://id.fedoracommunity.org/>our
forum also still maintanance..
after all of these exist (portal, forum, irc, mailing list) then
fedora.or.id come back to earth, and we (contributor in id.fc.org) have an
idea to unite us under Fedora Indonesia but fedora.or.id rejected it and
fedora.or.id also banned us (id.fc.org) from facebook page and forum..
from me and other friends just want the best for fedora Indonesia with our
union that is highly desirable, but if there are still those who persist with
the ego didn't want to unite, we can do anything, and this is the end of
that is by our own way...

Sorry for my bad english and hope you can get what I mean.. :)
*Best Regards,*

Fedora Contributor & Ambassadors
*Indonesian guy who live in and love Malaysia*

*M: (6)016 640 0385*
*W: *http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jurankdankkal* <http://numoss.org/>*
*B: **http://yogi.numoss.org/ <http://numoss.org/>*
*A: http://about.me/loviniltra*
*L: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/prima-yogi-loviniltra/44/517/148<http://about.me/loviniltra>

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