[Ambassadors] The Future of release names

"Juan J. Martínez" jjm at usebox.net
Tue May 15 14:10:27 UTC 2012

On 15/05/12 14:54, Chris Neves wrote:
> So...
> Would you like to move to a "rolling release"?  Becuase that is what you
> are describing...

It sounds a little bit extreme changing the release model because of a
naming change, isn't it? :)

In my opinion the release "number" is important because of the
interesting properties of numbers: we know that n+1 is newer than n.

I wouldn't remove the number. The number can be improved to add more
information (such as the date, we all have seen releases numbers like
2012.05 or 12.05), but that's not very important because Fedora support
cycle is not very long (18 months).

So the next question is: is the release "name" important? I don't know.

I think it's useful. Names are more friendlier than numbers (that's why
DNS exists, I fail to remember IPs but names are reasonably easy), but
that works only if you get used to that name. That's not going to happen
from the user point of view... because we upgrade every 6 months!

So if the name is going to be a friction point between community members
every 6 months, it's probably not worth it.

My 2 cents.

Kind regards,


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