[Ambassadors] T-shirt for each F19 release party organizer

Jiri Eischmann eischmann at redhat.com
Thu May 9 14:49:28 UTC 2013

John T. Rose píše v Út 07. 05. 2013 v 16:07 -0500:
> On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Jiri Eischmann <eischmann at redhat.com> wrote:
> > I suggest we simply produce the t-shirts and use money we have left this
> > quarter. That's something I can take care of. The t-shirts will be there
> > and we'll have time to prepare a well-designed raffle. That's where I'd
> > like to ask people who have experience with Fedora raffles to help.
> Good plan but I also have a question about the "spend it now or lose
> it" bit. What money are we talking about? I was told that there was no
> requirement to spend the funds allocated to each region in the quarter
> it was allocated but that we could spend it when needed. Is that true
> or not?

My understanding is that it's OSAS's leftover money. I believe that our
regional budgets are not so strict that money which is not spent in the
quarter is gone because it's very difficult, if not impossible, to
control on quarterly basis when the expenses land in RHT accounting. But
OSAS has to follow the quarterly budgets strictly, so money they don't
spend till the end of the quarter is gone. I guess they have to maintain
some reserve to balance our flexible budgets within their fixed budget.

Before I order the t-shirts (I still don't know if I will because I
still am waiting for the design and then there will be very little time
to get quotes and make an order), I'll make sure it doesn't come from
our regional budgets because at least our EMEA one wouldn't be able to
cover such an expense this year.


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