Unofficial Fedora FAQ Updated for Fedora 14!

Max Kanat-Alexander max at
Tue Jan 4 19:43:02 UTC 2011

	Hey there Fedora land! I've updated the Unofficial Fedora FAQ for
Fedora 14:

	As usual, the FAQ contains useful information on playing MP3s, watching
DVDs, installing proprietary 3d drivers, and handling common problems.
There is a lot of other useful information in the FAQ, too, and it's all
in an easy-to-read step-by-step instruction format that almost anybody
should be able to follow.

	The Fedora 13 FAQ is preserved as:

	If you find any inaccuracies in the FAQ, or if you have new suggested
questions for the FAQ, please let me know by emailing me! Also, I'm
always happy to have new translations.


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