Introducing the new FAmSCo chairs

Christoph Wickert cwickert at
Mon Dec 17 21:19:04 UTC 2012

My fellow ambassadors,

I have been serving as FAmSCo chair for a year now and it's time for me
to pass the torch (the buck?) to somebody else.

I am happy to announce that in today's FAmSCo meeting Jiri Eischmann [1]
was elected. I think he really deserves it because he was very active
and effectively ran FAmSCo while I was busy with my dayjob.

As FAmSCo chair, Jiri was to appoint the vice chair and I am glad he
picked Clint Savage [2]. This means we now have two of the most active
members of the two biggest communities leading FAmSCo and I am looking
forward to work with them.

Kind regards,


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