[ANZ] [Unrelated] Action is needed: Microsoft to lock-out Unauthorized Operating Systems from 2012+

Luke Martinez asmartgoat at fedoraproject.org
Wed Sep 21 12:16:43 UTC 2011

Firstly: Apologies to people with multiple copies of this message.

It appears that Microsoft wish to (and will likely succeed in) blocking us
(linux, bsd etc.) out of all new computers that pre-ship with Windows 8 from

*Put simply, Microsoft as part of their OEM system require all new computers
shipping with windows 8 to use secure signing keys to prevent 'unauthorized
software' from running on the computer.*

I urgently advise you to contact your local Consumer Protection agency and
put forward a complaint. This should be against Competitive / trade laws in
most countries. Please forward this on to everybody who will be interested /
disgusted about this to also voice their concerns with their local agency.

Luke Martinez
me at luke.asia

Here are some links:

http://video.ch9.ms/build/2011/slides/HW-457T_van_der_Hoeven.pptx (slide 11)
<- Proof
http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/5552.html <- Technical information
Opinion Piece

http://www.ftc.gov/ <- America
http://www.accc.gov.au/ <- Australia
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