[fedora-arm] Re: Fedora 8/ARM available

Rabeeh Khoury rabeeh at marvell.com
Thu Jan 17 17:29:21 UTC 2008


Rabeeh Khoury wrote: 

	On Thu, 2008-01-17 at 15:46 +0100, Lennert Buytenhek wrote:

		Cool!  Is there any place that documents the changes necessary for
		2.3 so that we can also provide a (separate) set of 2.3 rpms for F8?

	Should in theory just be
	Though if OOo fails to register components or start up then you
	might need to make additional changes to some makefile.mks that
	reference "VERSIONMAP" to reuse the i386 map files for arm, all of
	which was fixed up for 2.4. I don't remember if its strictly necessary
	to fix that in 2.3 or not.

[RKh] I'v just tried installing the RPM packages; at the beginning it didn't work well until I noticed that the binaries generates lots of unaligned accesses.
ARM kernel I'm using doesn't fix that for the user-space by default; so after 'echo 3 > /proc/cpu/alignment' and running soffice and importing a Microsoft word doc I got the following amount of exceptions -
-bash-3.2# cat /proc/cpu/alignment 
User:           125929
System:         0
Skipped:        0
Half:           27982
Word:           21780
DWord:          74940
Multi:          0
User faults:    3 (fixup+warn)
Any idea where those unaligned accesses are coming from? Any idea if this can be fixed too?

Interesting.  I guess we'd want to fix this: unaligned access is so slow.  I'd break out a debugger and have a look.  Or at least I would if debuginfo weren't broke.  :-(

[RKh] The program counter of the failing instructions can be easily identified when you do the ‘echo 3 > /proc/cpu/alignment’ since the kernel printk’s the failing instruction and all will appear in /var/log/messages.

After looking in that log; I see that there is lots of repetition on the same program counter; maybe the fixed at the end will be on 3 to 4 places only.




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