[fedora-arm] Fedora ARM on OLPC

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Mon Jun 7 23:15:58 UTC 2010


Recently OLPC announced that we're working on two new ARM devices --
a laptop (XO-1.75) and tablet (XO-3), both running on Marvell's Armada
610 (MMP2) SoC:


We're interested in shipping Fedora ARM on both devices, since we've
been using Fedora on our x86 laptops all along.  I've got the Fedora
12 rootfs running on an MMP2 board already, but we've got a few
questions about how shipping Fedora ARM in a product would work:

* Since Fedora ARM isn't an official release or secondary architecture
  yet, is it possible to ship a legal Fedora remix using its packages?

* Which release would it make most sense for us to use?  I know that
  F13 isn't available yet, although I see that dgilmore's started some
  F13 package builds in koji.

* Do you think there's much of a chance that F14 could have ARM as
  an official secondary architecture?

* Relatedly, what could we do to help that happen, and to help with
  the port in general?


- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>
One Laptop Per Child

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