[fedora-arm] What is the earliest fedora that works on the sheevaplug.

David Gates dgates at iocellnetworks.com
Thu Aug 11 02:45:35 UTC 2011

Hello arm fedora list.

I am david gates.

I want to experiment with an fedora based system, to use the sheeva plug 
as a cloud. I like the Amahi setup, but one application I need to use 
only works perfectly with linux kernels below 2.6.24. I want to connect 
external drives by the Ximeta ndas protocol. Their linux patches are 
slightly botched at this time, so it can only connect one drive at a time.

I have the beginning of my idea working well on a virtual computer 
running fedora 8.

Today I saw that there was arm experiments of fedora since around fedora 6.

So I am curious if there were ever fedora 8 running on the sheevaplug 
with the marvell arm processor. The exisiting wiki only presents 
downloads from around Fedora 10 though there is a link to downloads for 
earlier versions.

Thank you very much for any advice.

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