[fedora-arm] FORTIFY_SOURCE

Henrik Nordström henrik at henriknordstrom.net
Fri Nov 18 18:59:51 UTC 2011

fre 2011-11-18 klockan 00:30 -0500 skrev Jon Masters:

> There was some dialog on IRC recently about compile flags. As near as I
> can see it, we ought to be consistent in r-r-c between v5 and v7. Did I
> miss something in particular? Just tying up some loose ends here.

That was about most of armv7hl stage4 being built with the wrong flags
before redhat-rpm-config was fixed.

This have caused some packages to succeed building in stage4 where they
should have failed if the correct flags had been used. And those
packages are now failing in armv5tel build, and will also fail building
in the koji rebuild.

Not sure how many packages this hits. Hopefully none needed in the
immediate build root.


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